I like Balls…

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Seriously… I’m jealous of the Navy’s big Balls.

They go all out on video production, building espirit de corps and showcasing to us what they do after they launch off the cat.

We have balls too, but we aren’t allowed by Army regulation (it’s complicated) to film our fun times. (However… Eric’s Ray Bans may change that…)

We go to cool places and get shit faced telling tall tail about the times we almost died and the stupid shit that ensues. Just not the same without the Hornet and Rhino Ball type videos.

Just some thoughts while the kiddo and I are watching YouTube, waiting for the misses to get ready.
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Not sure bigger is always better :-)
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Grade 10 English class we had to choose a song and present it based upon the lyrics.

I’m a fan of AC/DC so naturally:

Upon reflection of that class, we really didn’t accomplish anything.
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