Eight Reasons Why The CRJ-200 Is A POS

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Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

The Challenger 850 in the Bizjet world and its POS as well, yes comfortable for pax but shit range, fuel burn and low ceiling. #buyaGlobal
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:04 pm

The 200 may be a POS but at the time of introduction it was
a step up from  the  equipment commuters were using
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

It was a piece of shit from the get go - never designed for doing that many cycles and no LED's which turned it into a runway hog - I was around when air canada first introduced them -- it was a real shit show and it continues on with the Q 400 -- most carriers using them exactly for what they were never intended. YWG-YEG-YZF -- really -- it's cruel and unusual torture for pax in this day and age. Great short haul southern ontario triangle but even YYZ-YQT is painful -- all this scrambling and in 10 years I would guess the 400 will be fading just like the classics are today.
Three Bars
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Yeah, let's compare it to its contemporaries. On the low end, the 99, the Metro, the 1900, the Jetstream, the Banderiante, the Brasilia...... all planes the CRJ nearly single-handedly killed. On the high end, the DC-9, the 717, BAe 146, the F28, the 737-500/600.... all too old, too big, or too expensive.

Equalling it in size were the Dash-8 300, the HS 748, the Convair 580, the F27, all slow ponderous turboprops. The ERJ wouldn't show up until the late 90s.
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I bet Bill Lear never thought his design would have spawn this line up,
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

[quote][font=Verdana]all planes the CRJ nearly single-handedly killed.[/font][/quote]

Not sure that's an accurate statement. If you had said fee for departure and deregulation in Canada I would agree more.
JW Scud
Posts: 252
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:44 am

It has been a while since I have flown on one but don't you just love being in the cabin on approach, reading your magazine when the gear is selected down. The gear unlocks with a sudden, sharp sound that scares the S++T out of you.
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