PPL and Cat 4 Medical

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Posts: 98
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:35 pm

David MacRay wrote: I probably should side with you guys since I'm riding on my 20 year old PPL but if you want to have the privilege of flying outside Canada get a PPL.

Is it really that much harder?

Correct answer is probably, "Shut up, go fly, study and exercise more Dave."

Your are correct , it is not that much harder
However , the PPL is  about 1/3 more expensive than the RPP and really not any safer.
Ill be flamed for that comment but look at it this way . The average PPL does pretty much the exact same type of flying that an RPP pilot does. Most PP's I know fly VFR day time and rarely enter the US. They mostly fly around in a four seaters or less. The RPP can carry only one passenger , no real difference in one or three. The RPP can fly a 4 seat aircaft and there is no reason they should not be able to fly with more than one passenger
My point is that the RPP has been around long enough to prove that it is as safe as the PPL. So in the interest of trying to rejuvenate aviation , why not get rid of the restrictions on the RPP and make it the standard license.
The PPL course has become swollen with both in cost and content. While its a good stepping stone for a CPL, its too costly for many that just want to fly privately.
There is absolutely no reason to restrict the more affordable route . In reality , the PPL is becoming redundant. If anyone tries to tell you the RPP is not a safe license , tell them to bugger off. The only people that are against the RPP are the flying schools that want to get more of your money

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

One trick I've seen RPP's do, is write the PPL
written exam, which you can use towards both
the RPP and the PPL.

So, get your RPP.  And if you change your mind
and want a PPL, do the flight test.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Ah I think I see the problem. You said,
GoBoy wrote: So in the interest of trying to rejuvenate aviation
That is something we are interested in. I'm fairly sure Transport Canada is interested in "restricting" aviation not rejuvenating it.

No I don't line my hats with aluminum foil to prevent them from reading my brain waves. But only because my thoughts are a dark and scary ride. If they read them they would be afraid.
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