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Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Cdnpilot77 wrote:
Yes, as a matter of fact I have, one time in weather near minimums our GPS unreliable, and I survived.  I have not once ever relied on any one single piece of technology to get a job done safely and I have never scratched an airplane.

So I think we are in agreement then, except you might want to correct your original statement where you say that I suggested NDB approaches were dangerous, which I never said. Here is the thread:

http://www.avcanada.ca/forums2/viewtopi ... =3&t=97780

Chuck Ellsworth

SSU, yes for sure there are a lot of better ways to make money than renting airplanes.

I was looking at some pictures just a few days ago and came across my first Cessna 150 CF-VGR I bought for a toy when I was water bombing.

I got into flight training by starting out renting that little machine for $40.00 wet.

Somehow that morphed into a flight school and when I sold it I had eight single engine trainers, one twin engine trainer and a helicopter school with a R22 on floats.

I had a few problems with renters but not a lot as far as I can remember.
Chuck Ellsworth

For sure I have probably forgotten that part of the business.

But I have no problem remembering why I sold it.

It was the inability to run my own business because T.C. had such a strangle hold on how it was run and they controlled the instructors through intimidation and fear.

Typical method for any third world country and I understand how it works quite well.

My solution was get out of it and work off shore and use every legal means available to ensure these extortionists in Ottawa got as few of my hard earned dollars as possible.

JW Scud
Posts: 252
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:44 am

Colonel Sanders wrote: And unlike Wayne Foy, TC's star witness at
the Tribunal - he wasn't even there - who shortly
afterwards illegally hand-propped a cub, it
got away from him, and it was destroyed.  He
could have killed someone.  Thinking about it,
even though that TC inspector knew nothing
about the event, he was certainly an expert
at reckless flying.
Speaking of inspectors causing damage with props, anybody read Flying Magazine. I do and one of the columns is by Martha Lunken, an ex-FAA inspector but has still been still acting as a designated flight examiner.

A couple of months ago, one of her columns explained how she accidentally taxied into an acquaintance's Cessna 150 with her cub damaging the wingtip. She had to take a checkride after that.

The latest issue has her stating that she shouldn't have lost her examiner priveleges recently for her second accident. She was hand propping the Cub with no one in it and had improperly tied it down. Apparently, the engine had not been starting recently unless the throttle was open more than usual. There were chocks but I suspect they were those little ones that are not the best. The plane started moving and she grabbed the strut resulting in it spinning around like in that old video on youtube from many years back with the Cessna going around in circles. It finally got away and hit........the same acquaintance's same Cessna 150. She ended up in the hospital to have some gravel removed from her backside.

So you see Mr. Colonel, it happens down your way too. By the way, how do you like the FAA so far?
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I have been flying airshows in the USA for around
15 years now, and boy, are things different.  Much
less petty micro-management, fewer displays of
near-sexual needs of bureaucrats to control.

It's hard to put into words.  In the USA, if you have
just a few pieces of paper, off you go.

But in Canada, you can have all the paper in the world,
and it's never enough.  TC still wants to be involved
in every flight - every time the sin of aviation (in
their eyes) is committed.

Flight Instruction is a good example.  If you have a
flight instructor rating and a certified aircraft in the
USA, you can teach on it.  After all, the FAA has given
you paper for both.

But not in Canada.  Fuck, no.  You need to get a FTU
OC with a CFI and AMO and an MCM and a PRM with
a QA system.  For one aircraft.

I spent six years of my life trying to write an FTU OC
MCM (with no fucking AMO - contract only!!) for some
twisted little fuck at TC on a power trip.

A thick document of procedures and forms, describing
our audit procedures, and the training of our auditors,
and the training of the people who trained the auditors.

All of that bullshit is described in [b]ONE FUCKING PARAGRAPH[/b]
in the FARs.  One hundred hour inspection is required
for a flight training aircraft.  That's it.

TC is so fucked in the head.  Their intensely sexual
need for control is unsettling for normal people.
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