Stupid Question

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Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

It looks like there are concerns in the industry over low time pilots and safety issues or just generally piss poor pilots being put in empty seats (-8 accident) I know there are many capable pilots with good medicals out there over the age of 65 and using them to mentor and fill the experience gap only makes sense in my eyes. For me it likely all boils down to money and working conditions. Why would an airline want to spend $150 grand plus for a -8 captain when they can fill the seat for $60 - same goes for the heavy iron - not many airlines out there willing to pay 350 to 400 G's for experience. The airlines and the legislators need to accept some of the responsibility for the pilot shortage. I would go and drive but it seems the law is against me and airlines don't pay that well so I'm content with my semi retirement time off and "playing" at aviation through local contract work and charging for the odd ride.

Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

Interestingly enough my company has quite a few Pilots who have had to 'retire' from various companies due to age limitations in the contract (Usually 60).

These Pilots come to my company and fly until 65 - they bring a lot of experience to the table. A win for all involved.

I know at least one over 65 Pilot who still does the odd ferry flight on our fleet and who conducts Line Checks from the jumpseat.

There's no reason why the retirement age can't be increased or scrapped altogether.

Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Ironically there is no retirement age in Canada, even for 705 domestically, it's the collective agreements and international law that prevents pilots from flying past 65 although Japan has allowed 68 I believe on routes they have jurisdiction over. I'm 71 and still very active -- flew 40 hours last week in a dc3t -- I'm thinking a little harder work that when I was sitting at 350 herding a bunch of passengers around, but I only work a week at a time now - I'm in semi retirement and only have 2 jobs. -- haha -- 
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