Pickle Lake crash.

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Chuck Ellsworth

Anyone here have any info on how that Basler DC3 ended up where it is?

Chuck Ellsworth

Are you sure it was flown there?

It could have been towed there and then they retracted the gear with the props turning.  :-\
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Well speculations are running wild at the other place. WTF -- whatever happened with the flat light the crew did a great job - Looking at the picture and yes spent lots of time in Pickle until recently. Moved on from there and am now occupying a desk more than flying(living and working in the same place I live, what a concept, first time since 1986  ;D ). The picture appears to be looking east back towards the runway parallel to the south shore. Runway would be at about  5 o'clock and aircraft likely facing about 230 d and runway is 270. #1 engine appears to be feathered, were they using the auto feather ??, they should be, especially at up gross weights. Hats off to the crew for getting it down with so minimal damage. I would assume it could be flown out of there in a very short time. Lots of ice for equipment and lift bags. Getting 2 engines will be the biggest hurtle but Frank has his connections.
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