New Landing Page - Website update.

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Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Hi folks, you may have noticed the new look to our homepage

Everything is going great with this site, our numbers are up in terms of hits / page views and we continue to attract new members. Aircraft Buy and Sell ( our sister site remains slow and I will be turning my attention to updating that site and making it more user friendly in the new year. I want that site to be Canada's home town aircraft market place.

As this site matures from cocky new upstart to established aviation forum we need to be nimble and adapt to the changing mediums. In an effort to gain traction in social media and get more eyeballs on this site, thus more members, I have began to publish "News".  I have a quarky sense of humor and love to poke fun at this industry and government and love satire and sites like The Onion, The Beaverton, The Burrard Street Journal etc.

I hope you find them funny and at least entertaining, please share on Facebook, email or just like the facebook page

The more traffic we can gain the more people will become members to share and discuss topics openly.

Some more things I plan to do in the coming month is to set up an email list which you can opt in or out of, it will include a monthly update on top threads and industry news and of course "News". This is to help remind some of our casual members to drop by and say hello and contribute.

Winters is here so fly safe everyone and thanks again for all your support. 


Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]Winter is here[/quote]

Yes, it sure is.  A blast of arctic air is going
to drop us into the frigid 50's this week:


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