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David MacRay
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We were driving through NAPA last week, spotted and airport sign pulled in. Then see a “Learn to fly here.” Sign, I love those. Decided I better go bother some people.

Chatted with some students and a nice lady instructor. $300 dual in an analog C-172.. Possibly with taxes. That seems almost reasonable these days.

As we were leaving she said, “Maybe we’ll see you again soon.” I said, “Probably not but if I win a big lottery you might.”


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$300! Yowza.

Sure glad I’m not diving in to this now.
Twin Beech restoration:
David MacRay
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I remember it seemed expensive in the 1990s, now you could make students jealous by telling them how much it was.
Slick Goodlin
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I used to pay $90/hr wet for a really clapped 172 twenty years ago. What was it twenty years before that?
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It's been a very long time, but I seem to recall $50 or $55 for a 172 that we thought was high time,
back in the 1980's?

FWIW just an instructor is USD$100/hour here, now. And IMHO they're really bad. 100 hours to solo in a 172 doesn't raise an eyebrow.
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Times change. There was a big jump in fuel & aircraft cost & prices in the early ‘80’s. The cost of operating an aeroplane has been rising higher than the Consumer Price Index. They’ve obviously got their priorities wrong regarding basic needs.

All prices CAD.
In 1975 Central Alberta, a Cessna 150 went for $22/hr and new or year old 172’s rented for $25/hr. We had a 1956 172 that we rented out at $22/hr, because it was SO old at 19 years. (Great little performer - crap original radio that worked “good enough” - and pretty much no one ever rented it.) $25 in 1975 = $138.00 now
There’s a 1977 172 flying at a local school that I bought cheap in 1983 because it was high time and still had the “H” engine. We charged $65/ then, same airframe is now going for $200/hr. $65 in 1984 = $171.00 now.
trey kule
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Old guy reminiscing….
1966. All in costs for a 35 hr ppl. $500
Government rebated you $100 upon completion…( they wanted pilots)

Unfortunately that was to rich for my part time job earning $1.00 an hour,

I had to wait until the Queen paid for my flying training.
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Wow 300 bucks an hour !
David MacRay
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$65/ then, same airframe is now going for $200/hr. $65 in 1984 = $171.00 now.
That sounds about right: $65/hr for a 172 in the early 1980's. Remember that terrible inflation back then? You could buy a Canada Savings Bond that paid 20% interest if memory serves.
300 bucks an hour !
USD. That's C$430? Napa is where they have the girl's weekends, so if you're looking for some cougar action and really expensive flight instruction ....
I ain't asking nobody for nothing, if I can't get it on my own.
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