Tarrifs for Pilots

Flying Tips and Advice from The Colonel!
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I'm pretty stupid compared to you guys, but I have been watching Trump for 10 years now,
and I can tell you that he doesn't want a trade war, but he isn't afraid to have one, to achieve
his objectives.

What are his objectives? Get rid of your fentanyl labs and stop the flow of terrorists from
Canada to America.

Now, if Justine Trudeau gave a flying fuck about Canada he would give The Donald what
he wants. Blow up a bunch of fake labs with distant shots of tanks and lines and explosions
from training in Petewawa. Line up a bunch of swarthy guys and tear their "visas" up in front
of them like Nancy Pelosi, and lead them sobbing away, after cutting their buttons off.

In the meantime, I have no idea why your fentanyl labs and terrorists are worth destroying
your economy.
In 2023, the US GDP was $27,720.73 trillion, while Canada's GDP was $2,142,470.91 trillion
Yeah, that's going to end well.

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You are 100% wrong. Why? Because you believe this:

Colonel wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 3:18 pm
What are his objectives? Get rid of your fentanyl labs and stop the flow of terrorists from
Canada to America.
Stopping the 0.08% of Fentanyl that enters the US from Canada is most certainly not his objective. Annexing, a fancy word for stealing, Canada for its resources is the true goal.
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I hope this doesn’t come across as offensive as it may seem: but not many folks down here want Canada to become the 51st state.

For about 156 reasons.
1: being you would representation in our government. Which side of the political aisle do you think most Canadian raised representatives would lean?
Not on the winning team we currently enjoy.

Trump is a fantastic showman to generate buzz and chat about the things he wants to chat about; and advert your attention from other things.

Food for thought.
Twin Beech restoration:
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Meanwhile everyday Americans get to pay higher prices for food, energy, and building supplies while the billionaires get richer.

Sounds great.
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Colonel wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 3:18 pm
In 2023, the US GDP was $27,720.73 trillion, while Canada's GDP was $2,142,470.91 trillion
Yeah, that's going to end well.
Metaphorically, we're bringing F-18's to an F-35 fight.
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Nark wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:16 pm I hope this doesn’t come across as offensive as it may seem: but not many folks down here want Canada to become the 51st state.

For about 156 reasons.
1: being you would representation in our government. Which side of the political aisle do you think most Canadian raised representatives would lean?
Not on the winning team we currently enjoy.

Trump is a fantastic showman to generate buzz and chat about the things he wants to chat about; and advert your attention from other things.

Food for thought.
Slick Goodlin
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Thank you Nark, I was curious what your take was on this but too afraid to start the thread myself.
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Nark wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:16 pm I hope this doesn’t come across as offensive as it may seem: but not many folks down here want Canada to become the 51st state.
None taken! For the record, I think the latest poll taken said 90% of Canadians don't want to become to become the 51st state either. Alberta of course is the outlier, but even only 18% of Albertans are in favor of becoming the 51st state. My exceedingly conservative parents reject the notion if that's any indication.
Canadian raised representatives would lean?
Well not especially now. Not sure why one would champion someone, and a party that supports him, that obviously has something against Canada. Even some of the Trump supporters here I know have turned on this particular issue.
but he isn't afraid to have one, to achieve
his objectives.
He has no objectives. He's on record stating that there is nothing Canada can do to avoid the tariffs. I'm not sure what the logic is behind them. Maybe it plays to his base? Seems like the idea is enjoyed by the members of this forum. Yes it will hurt Canada. It will also hurt the US as well. Everyone loses. Technically it will hurt Canada a lot more. I'm not sure it will help any US objectives, economically or security wise, by turning Canada into northern Mexico. Destroying Canada's economy makes it less capable of securing its border. To me that sounds like it would run counter to US interests. Maybe I'm wrong.

Edit: if you follow the money, the purpose of the tariffs is obvious. Who stands to gain if automotive supply lines from Canada and Mexico make some brands of cars more expensive to buy, and the price of gasoline goes up? Maybe a buddy of the president who makes electric cars? Just saying.
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He has no objectives
Why are you lying? It does not make you look very bright.

Headline just now:
Mexico agrees to deploy 10,000 troops to US border in exchange for tariff pause
I know you guys are brighter than I am but gosh, you sure hide it well.

Don't you remember, a couple of days ago, Columbia refused to take their illegal alien
citizens back from us. On the golf course, The Donald slapped a huge tariff on Columbia
and I think within 18 minutes the Columbian President caved and got back to The Donald
on the golf course, that he would not only take all of his criminal citizens back, he offered
the use of his Presidential jet to expedite their transfer.

"no objectives"?! Do you know how literally ignorant that comment is? I know Canadian
communists hate The Donald, but you cannot measure someone's IQ by how much they
agree with you. He won THREE - count them, THREE - federal elections, which hasn't been
done in living memory. How many federal elections have you won?
Neil Peart didn't need you to be his friend
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