The USA to become Canada 11 province

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Doug Ford the premier of Ontario wants the USA to become canada's 11 province, we already own Florida and 50% of Alaska and Michigan, we also built a billion dollar bridge to Michigan, we have universal health care and a better system of government . So Trump should have a referendum in the USA and he will see that 87% of americans want to become canadian citizens.

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Jordan Peterson just observed that Canada’s richest province, Ontario, has a lower per-capita GDP than the poorest state in America: Mississippi.

Why is that?
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I for one welcome the idea to head back to the West Coast and go to the re-education camps.

I will be a good worker for Chairman Justin.

50% of 87% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I gave my doctoral thesis on this.
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I think most people have realized that due to the corruption of academia, degrees are worthless now.

Joe Biden admitted he wrote a check to buy a doctorate for the babysitter, to keep her happy.
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I trust Mike Rowe, more than Dr Faucci.

In all seriousness, when I defended my capstone for my masters, one Dean tore me a new proctology inspection porthole because I didn’t cite USA PATRIOT Act properly.
What I wrote, and the arguments I made had zero scrutiny.
Emphasis on APA format was more important than whatever hypothesis I argued in favor of.

Academia can suck a fat one.

The only reason I pursued a grad degree, was because it was essentially free. Well I should say, paid for in sweat and blood, not necessarily free.

Oh yeah. I say we vote on whether we keep mph or kph.

My vote is mph and keep the signs.
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Unfortunately even graduate degrees don't mean much any more, due to degree inflation (like rank inflation). I see people with PhD's that can't comprehend the difference between "reply" and "reply all" in email.

Patents are still somewhat merit-based.

These days a PhD is like a nerf dildo. It looks pretty on the wall, but it doesn't do much. Elon never got a PhD - he dropped out of Stanford if memory serves - and it doesn't seem to be slowing him down any.
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In canada we don't include dentists and lawyers as part of the GDP as the americans do, if Ontario were to shut down just the electric supply to the USA the whole state of Michigan, New York and parts of other states would be left in the dark, imagine a city like NYC with no electricity during the winter months. In Louisiana people eat alligators to survive in Baltimore and NYC they eat rats.
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Can you really make New York any worse?
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I can’t tell if this kid is a 13 year old, a PLA computer nerd, both, or an AI bot Scud ginned up to get Dave all riled up!?

If so, well done sir, well done.
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