TSB investigating pilotless plane crash in Medicine Hat neighbourhood

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From the article:
He said he spoke with the owner of the plane over the phone, who told him he had been doing some maintenance work on it before the plane took off.

“It just took off. Once the engine started, it just took right off.”
So the yearly run-away hand propped plane accident. Every year. No new causes of accidents.

Admittedly I thought it might have been a drone that escaped from Suffield.
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Ugh..... I had almost forgot about my time in Suffield...
trey kule
Posts: 71
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Am I the only one that thinks watching your plane take off and fly by itself
is hilarious!
David MacRay
Posts: 823
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:16 am

Watching someone else’s plane take off and fly by itself would 100% be hilarious.

Watching my plane… much less.
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