Cessna 337 POH

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Cessna 337 Super Skymaster Pilot Operating Handbook
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Copied and pasted from an Article I found.

Yes, this airplane has been called by just about every derogatory permutation of its given
name--Skymasher, Skytrasher, and Mixmaster, for example--and a few others making fun
of its centerline-thrust configuration--push-me/pull-you and suck-and-blow. The hardy
soul arriving in one of Cessna's great multiengine experiments garners sneers from
drivers of "real" twins--you know, those airplanes with an engine on each wing and a
minimum-controllable number etched on the airspeed indicator. The kind with the
occasional foray into uncontrollability when its "real" pilot reacts improperly to an
engine-out emergency.

That's not to say the Skymaster has a better safety record than conventional twins.
Surprisingly, it does not. We had the AOPA Air Safety Foundation run a report on the
337 series, and the statistics show that as Cessna intended, the Skymaster shows its pilot
no untoward qualities with a powerplant shut down. You won't find its name under the
heading "stall/spin during engine-out maneuvering." But the 337 has racked up quite a
few accidents stemming from fuel exhaustion or mismanagement, and from tangling with
weather beyond the capabilities of the airplane or pilot.

It seems freeing the pilot from asymmetric-thrust worries has merely shifted the accident
causes elsewhere. Perhaps because the Skymaster is less susceptible to the conventional
yaw-spin-boom twin accident, pilots do not take the 337 as seriously as other twins. In a
conventional multiengine airplane, pilots are trained to be spring-loaded during certain
segments of flight--to be ready to abort the takeoff or secure the offending engine without
delay, lest it wander off into the weeds. Skymaster pilots are not concerned with such
ditch-darting but are aware that the airplane will not climb out unless properly
configured. Good multiengine operating practice remains a necessary ingredient in
keeping the 337 in one piece.

So where do we find Cessna's new-think multi 30 years after its debut? It has been
described as one of the best entry-level twins, with a robust airframe and fine low-speed
and engine-out manners. The airplane's systems and engines--six-cylinder Continental
360s--call for careful shopping, however, to keep from buying a true hangar queen. And
the used prices reflect that caution: The 337s are generally less expensive than
conventional twins of the same age. For example, a 210-horsepower, 1967 Skymaster
runs $29,000, according to the -Aircraft Bluebook-Price Digest. compared to $50,500 for
a same-vintage Beech Travel Air (which sports 180hp engines) and $44,000 for a Twin
Comanche. Turbocharged and pressurized 337s hold their value better but still are less
expensive to purchase than other conventional twins of similar power.

Cessna introduced the original Skymaster with fixed landing gear and normally aspirated
210-hp Continentals. That model, the 336 Skymaster, came to market in late 1963 but
was superseded for the 1965 model year by the 337, sporting retractable gear borrowed
from the Centurion. (The Skymaster would return the favor later, offering its
pressurization system to the new-for-1978 P210.)

Few changes came to the basic airframe between introduction and cessation of production
in 1980, save, of course, for the beefing up to accommodate pressurization for 1973.
Model history shows more changes in the systems and powerplants than anything else.
Starting life with the 210-hp Continental IO-360-A, the 337 would in non-turbo form
keep the same basic powerplants to the end, with the major changes dedicated to
improving the bottom-end components and solving case-cracking problems. The 337's
engines produce their maximum power at a rather lofty 2,800 rpm, which gives off
enough of a racket at takeoff to send noise-meter needles a-wiggling. Skymaster owners
need to be especially concerned with keeping the airport neighbors happy.
From 1965 onward, evolutionary alterations came to the non-turbo 337. Maximum gross
weight started at 4,200 pounds and grew incrementally to 4,630 in 1980. Big news
arrived in the form of the turbocharged version in 1967. Fully automatic wastegates and
Garrett turbos were grafted onto the Continentals, which became TSIO-360s, still
delivering 210 hp. The straight turbo option was dropped at the end of the 1971 run in
preparation for the 1973 debut of the pressurized 337.

With a maximum pressure differential of 3.35, giving a 10,000-foot cabin at 20,000 feet,
the P337--which was piggybacked onto the turbo 337's type certificate and so also
officially dubbed the T337--appeared as a true economy P-twin. With pressurization
came more powerful, 225-hp Continentals. The turbo, non-pressurized Skymaster did not
reappear until 1978 and, for construction reasons, had the small windows of the P model.
All told, 1,867 of the 337 and T337 models were built, along with 334 pressurized
versions. Cessna sold a total of 510 M337s (known as O-2As and O-2Bs) to the military--
which gained the reputation of being almost literally bulletproof. The Reims plant in
France built a total of 109 of the various 337s under license.

As promised by the Cessna design staff way back when, the 337's manners make it the
perfect step-up twin for a pilot accustomed to a Skylane or a Centurion. Handling is
standard-issue Cessna, heavy in pitch but unflappable and hugely stable in airspeed once
trimmed. Aileron response is quicker than the 210 and lighter, but you'll never have an
incurable urge to reenact your favorite Blue Angels routine.
(Yes, there have been airshow acts with 337s, but you know the guy flying was working hard.) Overall, the 337
follows the Cessna handling hallmarks and carries them to a new level, with the
Skymaster being just a bit heavier and faster and more demanding than the big singles
below it in the line.

Perhaps the greatest advance brought by the Skymaster was docile engine-out handling.
Lose a powerplant on takeoff, and the 337 will not try to head for the weeds. At
maximum weight, however, the Skymaster is truly lethargic unless the dead engine's
propeller is feathered. Pilots transitioning to the 337 are taught to monitor the exhaust gas
temperature gauges on the takeoff roll to make sure both engines are producing power. If
an engine dies in cruise, the usual dead-foot, dead-engine chant doesn't work; you must
look carefully at the instruments and be sure to verify your choice before feathering a

Single-engine climb is nothing to crow about on any of the models, falling in the 200- to
400-feet-per-minute range, depending upon installed power and maximum gross weight.
These numbers are in line with those of other light twins.

Single-engine service ceiling is very good, better than conventional twins. A non-turbo
1967 model has a single-engine ceiling of 7,500 feet with the rear engine out, and 9,500
feet with the front engine shut down. A 1971 turbo 337 will claw it way up to at least
14,400 feet (17,200 on just the rear engine), while a 1980 P337 can climb to 18,700 feet
on just one engine. For most naturally aspirated light twins, the single-engine ceiling is
anywhere from 4,000 to 6,000 feet. The difference is, naturally, that the Skymaster can
chug along with one feathered without having a huge rudder cocked into the breeze or
any of the other aerodynamic compromises inherent in a conventional twin running with
an engine shut down.

The big Cessna can be brought down final approach at surprisingly low velocities, too.
For the heaviest airplanes, Cessna recommends a normal approach of 80 to 90 knots, with
short-field procedures calling for just 78 knots over the fence. The lighter, earlier models
can shave about 4 knots off that figure.

Count on optimum cruise speeds for the normally aspirated models in the 165-knot range
at 5,000 feet, burning 23 gallons per hour total. That's a bit slower and a bit thirstier than
conventional twins packing a pair of 180-hp engines. Cruise speeds of the T337 show a
best of 190 knots at 25,000 feet, burning 22 gph total, while a 1980 P337 (225 hp each
engine) tops out at 204 knots, using 26.6 gph at 20,000 feet. The later T337 and P337
models are only certified to 20,000 feet, whereas the earlier turbo models have no such
limitation, a quirk of changes in the certification standards that took place in the 1970s.
While the 337 is no speedster, at least the cabin has the stretch-out room to make the
journey comfortable. Cessna called the 337 a sixplace airplane (and the P337 a fiveplacer),
but to carry a half dozen people means having them hold their luggage on their
laps because there's no room left for baggage. (Unless, of course, you find a 337 with the
optional cargo pod, which will give you room for three "two-suiters," according to
Cessna.) Really, the 337 is a marvelously comfortable four person airplane with room
and payload for baggage.

From the cabin, two items stand out as examples of the best and worst traits of the 337.
Excellent visibility from the front row of seats is the high point; because the wing is well
aft and the windows are large, the pilot and copilot have an almost unobstructed view of
the outside. The low point is noise. Engines attached to each end of the cabin create quite
a racket at high power settings. Reducing engine speed helps tremendously, but you'll
still want to have comfortable, quiet headsets aboard.

Useful load on the various models runs from 1,500 pounds up to about 1,700 pounds on
the early airplanes. It's only when you load the later, large-tank airplanes full of fuel (888
pounds worth), that you really have to watch the weight and balance. The center-ofgravity range is generous.
Most Skymasters have pretty good range, too, with long-range tanks available from the
start. Airplanes through the 1972 models had 92 gallons usable standard, with 128
gallons optional. In the long-range airplanes, fuel was carried in two interconnected main
tanks in each wing, plus an auxiliary tank between the cabin and booms; the pilot has to
switch between the main and auxiliary tanks. Starting in 1973, the auxiliary tanks were
plumbed in with the mains, eliminating the need to switch tanks except to turn the fuel
off or to crossfeed. Standard tanks for the 1973 and 1974 models remained 92 gallons
usable, with a long-range option totaling 118 gallons; in 1975, the extended-range
tankage was increased to 148 gallons usable in four interconnected wing tanks a side.
Finally, starting in 1976, the standard tanks were reduced in capacity to 88 gallons
usable, while the long-range option stayed at 148 gallons.

The fuel system merits discussion because it seems to be the source of the 337's most
common accidents. According to a study compiled by the AOPA Air Safety Foundation,
during the period of 1982 to 1989, fuel starvation or exhaustion accounted for the largest
single category, with 15 accidents. These ran the gamut from failure to change tanks to
simply running out of fuel before reaching the destination. Two additional accidents
stemmed from fuel system malfunctions, one a fuel leak and the other a jammed selector
valve. On paper, the 337's fuel system is not particularly complex and far simpler than,
say, a 310's or a 340's.

And while the 337's fuel system has at least been reliable, such praise cannot be lavished
upon its engines. Early on, the IO-360s gained a reputation as hot-running, crack-prone
powerplants. Before the B-suffix engines were introduced in the late 1970s, there were
numerous reports of broken crankshafts and connecting rods. Even today, service
difficulty reports point to cracking cases, sheared crankshafts, head-to-barrel separations,
and general engine mayhem. The normally aspirated IO-360s have a published time
between overhaul of 1,500 hours, but don't bet big money on it. Most operators report
needing top-end work enroute to TBO.

Maintenance matters get worse with the turbocharged or pressurized airplanes. The early,
210-hp turbo airplanes do better than the later 225 hp models (which get that power from
37 inches manifold pressure and 2,800 rpm), but neither powerplant will win any
longevity awards. Continental lists the TSIO-360s' TBO as 1,400 hours, but once again,
savvy owners will not bank on getting to that number without some interim top-end

Another systems headache, according to owners and simplified directional facilities, is
the gear system. All 337s have full gear doors, and the hydraulic system has been the
bane of many a mechanic. We're told, however, by the Cessna Pilots Association, that
with proper maintenance, the 337 gear can be reliable and not terribly expensive to
maintain. The trick is to get the system debugged first; this is a prime shopping point for
any 337 purchaser. Don't even consider putting money down on a Skymaster unless
you've had the gear and engines gone through thoroughly, and even then, be sure to
budget liberally for the first year's ownership. We are told, also, that the later model years
are better as Cessna replaced the engine-driven hydraulic pump with an electric power

The bottom line seems to be that the basic 337 airframe is the strong, simple type, but the
airplane's engines and systems can really hog out a checking account. It's been said that
there's no such thing as a cheap-to-keep twin, and that may be true; certainly if there
were, the 337 would not be at the top of the list.
Still, maintenance problems don't seem to matter much to those individuals who have
spent the time and effort to debug their airplanes. For them, the 337 represents a
reasonably economical, safe multiengine airplane. They truly seem to love the
Skymaster--and will shoot daggers at those nonbelievers who dare call it anything other
than three-three-seven.

Major accident causes according to the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's General Aviation
Accident Analysis Book--For the Years 1982-1989,- the Cessna 337 series had a total of
79 accidents, resulting in 63 major injuries and 33 aircraft destroyed; 56 of those
accidents were determined to be pilot-related. Most accidents occurred in the cruise phase
of flight, 39.3 percent; of those, 21.4 percent were caused by fuel exhaustion (an
additional 3.6 percent from fuel mismanagement), and 12.5 percent were weather related.
Landing-phase accidents accounted for 21.4 percent, with 7.1 percent attributed to failure
of the pilot to lower the gear, 5.4 percent were hard landings, and 3.6 were overshoots. A
total of 8.9 percent of the accidents were related to approaches gone awry, 3.6 percent in
VFR conditions and 5.4 percent in IFR conditions. Mechanical mayhem was the primary
cause in 10 accidents; two were caused by an engine failure, five by the landing gear or
brakes, and three by the fuel system. The accident cause for an additional 13 is unknown.
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1966 Cessna 337 Super SkyMaster POH
Cessna 1966 Super Sky Master owners Manual 1.pdf
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