Herc on a Carrier

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

This is an oldie but a goodie ... and an
interesting contrast to the PPL that just
crashed a C310 at KDYL (3000 feet):


No wire.  No catapult.  Just two guys
that had [i]never flown a four engine aircraft
before[/i] which I am sure will piss off
the four-bars.

It's pretty funny that when you need something
difficult and dangerous done with precision and
accuracy in a four-engine aircraft, you don't go
get some guys that have flown thousands of hours
of straight and level in large multi-engine aircraft ...

No, you go and get a good couple of sticks.  One
of whom (in the army ranks that Canada is in love
with) was the equivalent of a Major, and the
other a mere Captain.

It shows how useless multi-engine time is.  See
previous thread about people practicing their


Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

[quote author=Colonel link=topic=509.msg1894#msg1894 date=1437299423]
This is an oldie but a goodie ... and an
interesting contrast to the PPL that just
crashed a C310 at KDYL (3000 feet):

No wire.  No catapult.  Just two guys
that had [i]never flown a four engine aircraft
before[/i] which I am sure will piss off
the four-bars.

The video does say that they did some training first. They certainly didn't just jump in and start flying.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]they did some training first[/quote]

You're kind of missing the entire point.

You can send a baboon to Flightsafety, and
what you have at the end is a baboon.  Do
recall that


JFK, jr attended FlightSafety and look at how
that turned out.  Three fatalities and his family
paid out millions in the ensuing wrongful death

The two USN pilots flying that Herc were great
sticks.  Great sticks can fly anything.


That was a real pilot, not an imposter in a costume.
Tailwind W10
Posts: 110
Joined: Fri May 22, 2015 5:39 pm

[quote author=Colonel link=topic=509.msg1906#msg1906 date=1437382683]
Great sticks can fly anything.

That was a real pilot, not an imposter in a costume.

The one point I've always liked about that video is the pilots comentary.  He's constantly calling out his airspeed, he knows VERY precisely what his airplane is doing.  He's very unlikely to get himself in trouble with that level of situational awareness.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

They don't make them like that
old guy, any more!

I love the reactions of the chubby
young fellow in the right seat ...
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

That is some smooth flyin
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

[quote author=Colonel link=topic=509.msg1906#msg1906 date=1437382683]
[quote]they did some training first[/quote]

You're kind of missing the entire point.[/quote]

I understand the point - you need the best qualified people to accomplish the objective.

If the objective is to land a Herc on a carrier then the only way to do this is to take people with carrier landing experience and train them on the Herc. Trying to do things the other way round probably won't work.

[quote]The two USN pilots flying that Herc were great
sticks.  Great sticks can fly anything.[/quote]

No argument there.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]'special' aviation skills[/quote]

Pilots are lazy.  I have been telling them
for years to buy half of a Pitts S1 and fly
the shit out of it, but they can't be bothered
to develop the fundamental stick and rudder
and aerobatic skills.  Hell, just getting people
to fly tailwheel is like becoming an astronaut.

It's not the money.  It's just a lot easier to
sit on the couch and drink beer and watch
TV and get fat.

I tell pilots that they should fly twice a day
if they want to get better, and they can't be
bothered.  So many airplanes sit abandoned
at airports all across North America.  They
haven't flown in months (or years) because
their owners are too lazy to drive out to the

I have real trouble feeling sorry for these
people.  No wonder they have shit skills.
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