Meanwhile in Pakistan

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Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:42 am

Disregarding everything else about this crash, I find it interesting that this is the second MLG failure on a 737 classic, that I'm aware of, due to a smooth landing.  High speed, smooth landing, torsional stress, shimmy damper failure.

I guess the checklist for a flaps up landing better include "firm touchdown", or else prepare for a possible gear failure.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Smooth landing?

Right gear contact while banking and crabbing, speed brakes deployed, bounce, left gear contact, right gear contact again, guy with smart phone can't point it out the window anymore...

Silly me, I was not expecting the Captain to have 0.08 blood alcohol.  C:-)

I really enjoyed watching the bag go shooting down the slide. I hope someone yelled heads up in Urdu or something, "سر اوپر"

Bummer there was no plane watcher taking a video from outside.
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

Having flown the 737-300 I can say from personal experience that it's built to take a lot of punishment.

What it's not designed for is repeated bad landings/heavy landings without proper inspections being done on the various components of the landing gear.

I'll guarantee this is what happened on previous flights and it caught up with them on this flight.

For the rest - just another day in Asia!

The only thing that surprises me is that they don't have more accidents.
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:42 am

Have you read this accident report Eric?

In it they mention the shimmy damper having an internal leak, that couldn't be detected using the prescribed maintenance procedure.

No denying these classic's take a lot of abuse in certain environments, although it's interesting you don't see similar results in the Jurassic fleet despite harsh operating conditions there too.
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