Canadian heros.

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Rookie Pilot
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[img]Forum/webkit-fake-url://540802f5-c159-4 ... /imagejpeg[/img]

Whose a Canadian Hero? Not Wynne.  Not Trudeau. But certainly not Pitts pilots. Here's one, even though he never did an outside loop. Never had the chance.

Keeps things in perspective. Everyone remembers this hero.  No one remembers nor cares what someone can do with an airplane. 

Pitts videos? Cool yes. Doesn't make you a hero, or anyone to remotely admire.

Just the facts, Jack.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[img width=487 height=500] ... shot_6.jpg[/img]

These are my heroes:

[url= ... -1.2686239] ... -1.2686239[/url]

[quote]Canada has one of the largest teams at the Paris climate change conference, with more than 300 politicians, government staff and bureaucrats in attendance.

That’s more than double the U.S. team, which includes fewer than 150 officials, and about triple the U.K.’s team of about 100 attendees, according to United Nations figures.

The federal government spent more than $6 million attending the last nine United Nations climate change conferences, documents released in the House of Commons suggest.

Environment Canada reports it spent $561,251 on last year’s meeting in Paris, including $231,564 on lodging, $123,976 on airfare and $85,857.86 on meals for 58 individuals.

The department said it also spent $101,580 on office supplies, printing and shipping, room rentals, telecommunications and translation, as well as $10,850 on hospitality and $7,421 on transportation.[/quote]

These guys are the real [b]CANADIAN HEROES[/b] because
they made the Paris Climate Accord such a great success!

[url= ... d-decision] ... d-decision[/url]

[quote]President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord has sparked a strong reaction from mainstream media pundits and Hollywood celebrities.[/quote]

Yes, it was worth every penny of the taxpayer's money
for all that jetting around the world to save the climate.

Those Canadian bureaucrats are the [b]real[/b] heroes
and don't you forget it.  They're saving the fucking planet!!
Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

I'm not getting the connection.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]I'm not getting the connection[/quote]

That's because you're not very bright.
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