More on take off's and landings.

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Chuck Ellsworth

When I was instructing I had my students get comfortable with thaing off and landing completely by instruments.

Once they figured out how easy it really is their flying became far more stress free.

And some day knowing you can do it just may save your life...

It has saved mine a couple of times.

Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:32 pm

I did the same panel in the deadly Fleet Canuck.  Taxi it to position with a short delay, line it up, he's under the hood and away we go with needle , ball and compass.  For the return it was a simulated GCA , no gyro approach and landing...after all I had done nearly 10,00 live GCAs...poor Neil and Gary sweating bullets!.

Happy New Year Old Fart
Chuck Ellsworth

How come so many pilots sneer at how poorly we trained pilots back in the dark ages Barney?
Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:32 pm

That's because we're old and dumb and not into digital glass shit..and we love old rag and tube classic aircraft.  I give G/A another 10 years when the off-shore schoolies dry up and there won't be very many of us left . 

There are far to few joining the ranks of our fraternity to fill the void
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