Worst flying job.

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Chuck Ellsworth

What was the worst flying job you ever had?

For me it was flying scheduled airline.

It doesn't much matter the size of the airplane because all cockpits are about the same, it was the mind numbing  repetition of the same old same old every day.

Actually flying the bigger stuff means you have the added misery of dealing with the farcical security check circus.

A very close second was flying in the airshow circuit, that was also a really mind numbing job but at least it was seasonal.

So lets hear from some of you people.


Flying fish from one frozen lake to another.  My boss was an asshole. 
24/7 on call freight.  I had 30 minutes to be wheels up.  I left to go fly RJ's for $23/hour.  Much happier being poorer.  (Ironically, had I not gone to that miserable job, I wouldn't have been introduced to helicopter flying)

I'm going to vegas and Houston tomorrow. Don't mind it at all...
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Just one I can remember - hired by Carl as direct entry captain - damn that was a long week.
Chuck Ellsworth

Wayne and I learned to fly at the same time at Central Airways so naturally I knew Carl but never worked for him.

Was he worse than the others to work for?

Did you fly his Super 3's?

A company out here in B.C. bought them and hired me as chief pilot , the new owner was impossible to work with so I quit about six months after he started up and T.C. suspended his OC and he never got it back.
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Night Cargo Flying sucked ass, but I loved to fly the 727 when I was awake.
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