Best flying job:

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Chuck Ellsworth

We need more traffic here so I thought I would start a new discussion.

What was or would be your favourite flying job as far as pure flying goes?

For me it was aerial application hands down.

For sheer boredom and very little flying joy the worst was airline flying and the more automatics the more boring it was.

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Excellent thread sir. What airline did you fly with? The perks must have been good.

Have you flown recently? I am thinking of doubling my hours this year. (Going for a second flight.)
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

My best flying job so far was actually instructing.  I worked five half days a week with great pay and excellent students but for numerous reasons I had to move on.

My best flying, period, is the volunteer work I do.

Kind of a tie: banner towing.  I was able to fly wearing shorts and flip-flops.
Flying a Cherokee six in SE Alaska.  Coworkers and allies made the summer very enjoyable.  It's wasn't a competition with the competition.

I also enjoy my current full time gig of flying the French bus.  I'm still having fun I suppose.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

My dream pilot job would be corporate on something
big, fast, shiny and new, that didn't fly very much,
for a guy that wasn't an @sshole.

Couple trips a month to someplace nice with a good
hotel with great food, looking down at the crowd killers
and the weather, there and back.

A beautiful, lovely big hangar with a blinding, perfect
white floor, with lots of room in the corners for something
weird and polished.

[img width=500 height=333] ... 20(42).jpg[/img]

For me  I think testing aircraft and helping with the engineering of various equipment or configurations would be challenging.

Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

For me any job that has lots of time off so I can play with my toys  >:D
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:04 pm

Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Bush flying in the Yukon was my favorite job by far, I am still sore I didn't get the call back to go water bombing a few years back :(

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

When I was 20 something I wanted to fly fighters but was much too large, even without an extra 70 - 90 pounds of winter storage. Also, math and I never got along quite well enough either. I am reasonable with a working formula, figuring out Fuel Required using Flow, Distance and Time. Or things like ohm's law. But no one was ever able to explain pure algebra to me. Using X, b and y to solve for a or c. Back then I was a CPL hopeful spending too much time and money not working on finishing it. Possibly my attention span was lacking even then, I finished a PPL and a Journeyman Certificate. Not sure how some days.

Probably nearly as unrealistic now, I keep thinking I would like to ferry light singles.

It sounds perfect most of the time, but might ruin flying. You never know when you are about to, go somewhere to find a plane someone wants moved that's barely airworthy, to get stranded somewhere else, due to weather, staying in the only motel for 60 miles, featuring bed bugs and no internet, where I can't get anything I want to eat, for two weeks.  :P

Maybe it's best my attention span seems to be broken. "Squirrel!" I struggled to get through the pstar a few years back, a simple test I had no problem with the first time. I suspect I can't (won't?) ever get confident enough to challenge the TC commercial written.

Just not willing to quit the internet. Then again, I can sit by a lake for hours even if I don't catch a fish, I need to channel that energy into studying.

Maybe I should just try to get a support job at a flying school for discounted rentals. I can be like one of my musician pals that works with local crews on concerts. "You're still part of the industry."
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