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*grabs the popcorn*

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Saying that I am responsible for promoting pork chops is like saying Hillary is responsible for promoting Trump..

What I still find laughable is how everyone (and I believe members that post on this forum now) absolutely blasted Mr aviation for flying IFR in a 172... but now that pork chops is doing it.. its all good (and the reason he sucks is because hes not "current" in a 172) ... 

I think Ive asked this question before...  would you rather your kids, or wife fly with pork chops?  or Mr aviation?  I know what my answer is...

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[quote]would you rather your kids, or wife fly with pork chops?[/quote]

Hm.  I wouldn't worry about any of my kids flying
with porkchops because they could easily take
control when he lost it.

I would send any of my ex-wives up to fly with
him, preferably in cloud.
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Well I never thought I'd come to the defence of ol' Flightchops, but here I go.

I actually met Steve this summer, seems like a decent guy (weak handshake kind of weirded me out though).  I don't like his videos.  I think they're about as boring as watching paint dry and the odd-facial-hair-as-personal-brand thing is absurd.  I do, however, like the way he promotes aviation and makes aviation seem to be accessible.  Is there an element of self promotion to it? Sure.  But that's true of anyone who posts flying videos on Youtube (myself included).  What Steve does a really good job of, and why he has such a following is that he adds a human element to flying. 

[font=Verdana][/font][quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=4795.msg12356#msg12356 date=1478446247][font=Verdana][/font]
Want to see a great Canadian pilot, promoting aviation?


See the difference? 


I love what Pete McLeod does.  I love it so much that I flew my Cherokee 4000 nm to Indianapolis and back to see him make the podium in October (freaking awesome BTW, if you ever have the chance to go to see a Red Bull Air Race, do it. You won't be disappointed).  However, what Pete does makes people say "Wow, that's cool." not "I could do that". 

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=4795.msg12356#msg12356 date=1478446247]
I don't see any hate for Pete, Rookie.  Since you're
so much smarter than the rest of us, can you explain

There's no hate for Pete because he doesn't put himself out there and expose his vulnerabilities.  Pete flies like an ace hero pilot (because he is one) and on the ground he says the things that you expect an ace hero pilot to say.  Even when he does screw up he's so damn good that we don't care.  He's untouchable.  It's a lot easier to hate someone who isn't so perfect and allows you to see their imperfections. 

Steve fucks up, Steve isn't a perfect pilot, Steve has fears and insecurities.  Unlike most of us he's not afraid to put that on camera.  That makes him relatable in a way that Pete McLeod and waterskiing Harvards aren't.  Over the summer I had the opportunity to talk to a number of student pilots, new pilots, and aviation interested people who haven't yet pulled the trigger.  A surprising proportion of them mentioned Steve's videos.  They see a bit of themselves in his errors and insecurities and it encourages them.  They see that you don't have to be the ace airshow pilot or a fully formed Chuck Yeager to go learn to fly a 172.  That's why I support the videos that Steve does.  My sector of aviation is in decline and Steve does a pretty damn good job of promoting it.  Anything that gets more people through the doors of their local flight school is ok by me.  You don't have to like his videos to like what he accomplishes with them.

[quote]Steve fucks up, Steve isn't a perfect pilot, Steve has fears and insecurities.  Unlike most of us he's not afraid to put that on camera.  That makes him relatable in a way that Pete McLeod and waterskiing Harvards aren't.  Over the summer I had the opportunity to talk to a number of student pilots, new pilots, and aviation interested people who haven't yet pulled the trigger.  A surprising proportion of them mentioned Steve's videos.  They see a bit of themselves in his errors and insecurities and it encourages them.  They see that you don't have to be the ace airshow pilot or a fully formed Chuck Yeager to go learn to fly a 172. [/quote]

I must be a really, really, bad person because I don't see a problem with gratuitous self-promotion. You develop your shtick, sign up sponsors, you find your audience and suddenly you're a aviation star. I wish I had thought of it first.

That said there's something very downtown Toronto about him that bugs me but that's probably because I'm a 416 refugee.

Interestingly, if you search Pilots of America there are tons of FC hits, hardly any Pete McLeod ones. I think BCPilot is correct, Schteevie has tapped into the quiet desperation of wannabe pilots, weekend warriors and aviation fans. They think: "if he can do it, so can I."
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[quote]I don't see a problem with gratuitous self-promotion[/quote]

An extreme example of that would be "The Dick" Rawlins, whom
you might have seen on "Gas Monkey".  He shamelessly self-promotes
his brand, but being from Texas, is up-front about it.

I guess what bugs me about porkchops is his passive-aggressive
dishonesty.  For example, he says, "This isn't an instructional video"
(wink wink, nudge nudge) yet that's surely how he presents it and
it is used.  And he's not even a frikken class 4 instructor.  I doubt
he even has a bare CPL.

Porkchops also says, "I'm doing this for the good of aviation, not me"
yet he shamelessly shills for contributions and sponsorship, and he
uses his dishonesty to pay for his (extremely lame) flying.

It's the combination of dishonesty and lameness that really grates.

See, if he was a crook raising money but used it to do awesome flying
(say, MiGs) that would be cool.  Or, if he was honest but lame, that
would be ok, too.  I don't think I'm setting the bar very high, and
he fails every time.

At least "The Dick" Rawlins is honest in his self-promotion.  Both
are nauseating, frankly.

[quote]there's something very downtown Toronto about him that bugs me[/quote]

Yeah, me too.  There's something offensively unctuous about
people from Toronto - how we are all so lucky to be in the
sunshine of their greatness.

Blech.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Canada was
ever to have an enema, they could insert it at Yonge and
Sheppard, and boy would it fit well.
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[quote author=DeflectionShot link=topic=4795.msg12361#msg12361 date=1478457390]
I must be a really, really, bad person because I don't see a problem with gratuitous self-promotion. You develop your shtick, sign up sponsors, you find your audience and suddenly you're a aviation star. I wish I had thought of it first.

Nothing wrong with some self promotion.  I mean even Pete McLeod wears a hat with his own freaking name on it  ;D 

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=4795.msg12363#msg12363 date=1478458710]

Porkchops also says, "I'm doing this for the good of aviation, not me"
yet he shamelessly shills for contributions and sponsorship, and he
uses his dishonesty to pay for his (extremely lame) flying.

I talked with him about funding and his videos.  He brings in a fair amount of money from his Patreon account and the ad revenue that he generates from Youtube, but they still don't cover all of his expenses.  What he does costs money and, distasteful as it may be, flat out asking for it is sometimes the best way to get it.  Some people must feel that they get value from his videos given the number of Patreon sponsors that he has.  These are people who give him money blindly for every video that he makes. 

Flight Chops' flying is lame, but I think that's part of the key to his popularity.  If he can get to put a few more hours in his log book out of it then I say good on him.  If I could get someone to give me money for some of my lame flying you can bet your ass I would.  Unfortunately I don't have his skills when it comes to editing videos (being a TV professional gives him a certain advantage in that department) and I have a serious revulsion to asking for money (probably to my detriment).
David MacRay
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I have no problem with.[list]
[*] Banaly boring.[*] Self aggrandizement.[*] Vertual panhandling.[*] Being "non-current on 172" while being current on the Steaman. Seriously though, you really want to say that?

I have a problem with.[list]
[li] Flight training format, even with "I am not training you. These are for me." Disclaimer.[/li]
[li] Presenting learning experiences. "Whoa! We totally went into clouds bro!"[/li]
Rookie Pilot
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All good Shiny.

Suspect I misunderstood you. 

It's simply depressing to me we must cut down every single person, in every industry, who dares to attempt to create something. It's not confined to aviation. That was my point. I'm a dreamer and love to create. We need more of that.

If it's truly poor quality, like any product, the market will kill it off.
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