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Chuck Ellsworth

I see that asshole CID is still as ignorant as ever.

He is back accusing me of having contempt for the regulations.

It is not the regulations I have contempt for it is some of the regulators.

CID you are a true asshole, because you are unable to produce even one instance of me being in contravention of the regulations and that is what counts.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Chuck:  Rui's not a pilot.  What he knows
about flying, he could write in large capital
letters with a Sharpie on the inside cover of
a matchbook.

His opinion is worthless.

You were flying before he was born, and your
record of a lifetime of safe flying speaks louder
than any clown in Winnipeg.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Well if he is you are giving him what he wants by getting all wound up.

You are like his marionette puppet. Dancing when he pulls the strings.
Gravel Digger
Posts: 78
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:08 am

It shocks me at this state of your career, with all that you have done, while the majority of our colleagues give you our highest praise and gratitude for the sharing of your experience, that you would get wrapped up in the insignificant ramblings of a few outliers. Your integrity can't be called in to question at this point, the record speaks for itself, the rest is noise. Why get caught up in it for one second?
Chuck Ellsworth

I appreciate your support on my background and the comments that I should just ignore any comments from CID.

However he is making them on a forum where I can not defend myself do their selective moderators who will cull my posts if I try and point out that my career has been unblemished as far as breaking the rules goes.

Avcanada is read by people all over the world and CID is accusing me of being unprofessional.

What he is saying is liable  in a normal world, however Avcanada is not the normal world, that still does not mean that he is not making statements that are untrue and in fact is against the posting rules of that forum to make untrue comments about another member of the forum.

There is another thread here on how we can get more posters on this forum, it is my opinion that there are many people who will read this and come to the conclusion that we can at least defend our reputations here without being kicked off the forum.

CID has been a vicious mean piece of work ever since these forums became popular, the one thing that really gets to him is if he thinks someone is outing who he really is.

CID will read this and like the coward he it is doubtful that he will comment on this forum because cockroaches hate the light.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

At what point do you stop bothering to prove someone is wrong. If someone writes they saw your balls and they are green with orange polka dots do you need to disput it?
Posts: 134
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 9:56 pm

[quote author=David MacRay link=topic=4245.msg11309#msg11309 date=1473996365]
At what point do you stop bothering to prove someone is wrong. If someone writes they saw your balls and they are green with orange polka dots do you need to disput it?

Personally, if someone said that I'd make it my forum signature.  >:D

[quote author=Chuck Ellsworth link=topic=4245.msg11307#msg11307 date=1473989528]

The Colonel and I know who he is and where he works and so should everyone else on the internet.


For the love of God, fill the rest of us in!  If not with an name then at least let us know his trade.  Is he a pilot, an engineer, a dispatcher a flight nurse....
Posts: 62
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:00 am

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=4245.msg11277#msg11277 date=1473916177]
What he knows
about flying, he could write in large capital
letters with a Sharpie on the inside cover of
a matchbook.[/quote]

Phew .. for a minute there i thought I was in trouble ..


(ok nevermind it fits)
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