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[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10514#msg10514 date=1471321755]

Income tax in the USA is much, much lower
than in Canada.

Ah, thanks. As I suspected you don't know what the fuck you're talking about :)

I gave specific examples, but you didn't even bother to contradict them. I'm sure you could find a few instances where taxes in the USA are lower than in Canada, but in general Canada has lower taxation. Even the OECD says that Canada has a lower overall "tax wedge" than the USA (31.1% vs 31.3%).

I guess you just have some idea at the back of your mind that Canada is a "socialist" country and must have high taxes. Maybe that was the case back when you were a wee lad, but it isn't the case today.

Believing in fairy stories isn't a good trait for a pilot to have, especially one who professes to fly aerobatics. (Cue lots of dick slapping by the Colonel as he posts a huge volume of masturbatory pictures of his flying to prove he's better than all of us...)

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You are a moron.  California, which has the highest
combined personal income tax rate in the USA, is
much lower than Ontario in 2015.  This is a fact.

If one were to compare a state with no income tax
such as Nevada or Texas where you paid only federal
income tax, the difference would be jaw-dropping.

Paid for any electricity in Ontario lately?  The rates
(run by drunken, reckless government bureaucrats)
are so high, business are specifically naming them as
a reason to stay away.

Looked at the public debt in Ontario lately?  It's a
train wreck.  The socialist governments have racked
up over $300 Billion in debt, crippling the province
and leaving it vulnerable to any tiny increase in
interest rates. ... -borrowing

[quote]While Ontario’s population is about one third of California’s, its debt load is more than double that of the biggest U.S. state. [/quote]

Are there any words in the above sentence that you
don't understand?  Do you understand it's implications?

Taxes are going to get a whole lot higher in Ontario
in the future to pay for the reckless spending of previous
socialist governments.
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[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10523#msg10523 date=1471354445]
You are a moron.  California, which has the highest
combined personal income tax rate in the USA, is
much lower than Ontario in 2015.  This is a fact.

If one were to compare a state with no income tax
such as Nevada or Texas where you paid only federal
income tax, the difference would be jaw-dropping.


Ok, I get it, Ontario is a financial shithole. However that's different from saying Canada as a whole has a punitive tax scheme, which is what you actually said. And comparing states with zero income tax to Ontario isn't a very valid comparison. On average there isn't really much difference between the USA and Canada.
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[quote]On average there isn't really much difference between the USA and Canada.[/quote]

You pay income taxes in both recently?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

California with the highest income taxes in the
USA, in 2015 had much lower effective personal
income tax rates than Ontario, Canada's most
populous province.

I can't see how you think that's an invalid
comparison, but I get it that you aren't too
bright.  You certainly spew a lot of venom
at people that you're jealous of, that have
nice airplanes and can fly them well.  You
clearly have neither.

More facts to let the wind out of your socialist
bag:  health care in the USA is much, much
better than in Canada.

Two words:  "No waiting".  Let me know if you
don't understand that.
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[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10526#msg10526 date=1471356377]

California with the highest income taxes in the
USA, in 2015 had much lower effective personal
income tax rates than Ontario, Canada's most
populous province.

What is your definition of "much lower"? The highest rate in CA is 52.9% vs 53.5% in ON this year. Last year ON was 49.5%, so it was actually lower than CA.

[quote]You certainly spew a lot of venom
at people that you're jealous of, that have
nice airplanes and can fly them well.  You
clearly have neither.[/quote]

LOL no, I'm not jealous of you. I was only spitting venom at your fucked-up logic, not at you personally. The difference is important. You, on the other hand, seem to have spit venom at me.

More facts to let the wind out of your socialist
bag:  health care in the USA is much, much
better than in Canada.

Two words:  "No waiting".  Let me know if you
don't understand that.

Yes, I'd agree with that. The best option is something similar to the UK, where they have free healthcare, and you can pay for better service if you want. I don't fully understand the logic behind the vicious campaign we have in Canada to prevent that happening here.

However, for most things, Canadian healthcare is fine. In the USA you get a free latte with your procedure, and a whole lot of other unnecessary spending, which is why it costs so much. There isn't a lot of incentive to cut the fat.
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[quote]What is your definition of "much lower"? The highest rate in CA is 52.9% vs 53.5% in ON this year[/quote]

You have no clue what you are talking about.

The highest marginal rate in Ontario kicks in
at a ridiculously low amount.  The highest
marginal rate in California kicks in at around

This means that you will pay much more income
tax in Ontario than California, because you
are paying the highest rate on much more of
your income.

This is a fact, something Canadian socialists
have trouble understanding.

You paid personal income tax in 2015 in which
Canadian province and which state in the USA?

[quote]53.5% in ON this year. Last year ON was 49.5%[/quote]

That's a massive increase in personal income tax
in Ontario for 2016, and you're arguing that there
is no problem?!

[quote]However, for most things, Canadian healthcare is fine[/quote]

Moronic socialist propaganda, easily disproven.

Look at the wait times, especially on the east coast.

[url= ... -1.3088316] ... -1.3088316[/url]

[quote]People lining up for a hip operation today can expect to wait at least a year on average, says Dr. Eric Howatt, and it's much longer for a new knee. [/quote]

Let me guess: in addition to not comparing Ontario,
Canada's most populous province, we aren't allowed
to consider any of the East Coast in your grotesque
socialist propaganda?

How much did you pay for your health care in the
USA in 2015?  You say it's expensive - more socialist
propaganda.  Your employer covers it, and you pay
less in income tax.  Win/win.
Posts: 56
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[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10528#msg10528 date=1471359054]

The highest marginal rate in Ontario kicks in
at a ridiculously low amount.

$220k. Perhaps that's a "ridiculously low amount" to you.

  The highest
marginal rate in California kicks in at around

No,  $415k actually.

This means that you will pay much more income
tax in Ontario than California, because you
are paying the highest rate on much more of
your income.

Actually, no. (Or at least, not for employment income). Even if you're earning $415k, your take-home pay is actually higher in ON than in CA.

This is a fact, something Canadian socialists
have trouble understanding.

Funny how you try to argue with logic and facts by saying I must be a "socialist".

You paid personal income tax in 2015 in which
Canadian province and which state in the USA?

So your argument is that I can't have an opinion on tax unless I've actually paid tax in the USA? Given that you've actually paid taxes in the USA and Canada and seem to have fuck all knowledge of the actual tax rates...

That's a massive increase in personal income tax
in Ontario for 2016, and you're arguing that there
is no problem?!

If you don't like it, move to BC or Alberta.

Let me guess: in addition to not comparing Ontario,
Canada's most populous province, we aren't allowed
to consider any of the East Coast in your grotesque
socialist propaganda?

Using your logic: how many hip and/or knee replacements have you had? None, I hear you say? Then fuck off, as you obviously don't know anything.

(That was sarcasm in case anyone didn't recognise it, BTW).

My mother has had two hips replaced and waited about a year for each. No big deal. Hip and knee replacements are not urgent.

The article says the average time in Canada is 6 months, which NS is trying to achieve.

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Case in point:  Young (age 35) guy I know, tore
up a ligament in his knee.  Playing hockey, I think -
is that Canadian enough for you?

Was told he had to wait a year.  Moved to the USA,
wait time for the operation was[b] one week[/b] - with health
care paid for as part of his employment package.

So in the USA, you pay far less in income tax, and
get much better health care.

Screech and honk all you want about this contrasting
with your socialist propaganda.  Those are the facts.

[quote]your take-home pay is actually higher in ON than in CA[/quote]

Wrong.  You know nothing about paying taxes in either.
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:11 am



You can't argue with the numbers. Here is the take-home pay for $415k employment income:

ON: $18787/month
BC:  $20287/month
CA: $18153/month

So takehome pay is higher in Ontario than in CA, and you haven't even paid any health insurance yet.
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