Cessna 180 numbers.

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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

The thing about maintenance is that they treat all
aircraft alike, regardless of where and how they are
operated / hangared.

For example, I'm sure Cessna would like to see a SID
done on a 12,000TT C180 that lived it's life on wheels
in Arizona, with no salt or humidity.

However, at the other extreme, is a floatplane that's
lived it's life in moisture and salt, getting the shit beat
out of it, pounding on the waves.  That 12,000TT C180
needs the SID done.

Doesn't even need to be a float plane.  I've spent a lot
of time in Key West and all the metal aircraft on wheels
there have paint bubbling up with corrosion because of
the constant high heat, humidity and salt.  You open up
one of those corrosion queens and I guarantee you it will
be scary.  You live in the arid prairies where salt is something
you put on the rim of your Margarita glass  ;D

Hard to generalize.

PS  I agree that the spar carry-throughs on elderly C177's
and C210's need careful examination and regular Corrosion-X.

A friend of mine and his wife were killed when a C210 came
to pieces in flight.  Oddly no one at the brain trust seemed
the least bit interested in [i]why[/i] this happened.

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