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Chuck Ellsworth

I'll take every African country I flew in ( 26  ) as far as dealing with the bureaucracy goes because when you need a permit or permission all you need with you is Benjamin Franklin.

I probably think differently than most Canadian pilots because when I need a permit or permission to do something I don't need a cubicle drone to fly the airplane for me because I already know how to do that very safely, I never ever worried about any passenger in my airplane my only concern was my safety.

Over the fifty two years I flew for a living every fuckin passenger behind me made it to our landing places just as safely as I did.

Posts: 31
Joined: Fri May 22, 2015 1:55 am

Strega wrote:

PilotDAR wrote:

You're going to replace the seals in your oleo.What is the first thing you do?Refer to the up to date maintenance manual for the aircraft!I always throw that question out there when people bring up om.You answered it correctly (as I would expect) If a guy says blow off the nitrogen before unpinning the torque link I know he's dangerous.
[size=10px] [/size]

Its shit like this that doesnt help....  SOOOOOO dangerous....

Yeah.  Reading the manual is like... the most dangerous.  Not recommended
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

The weird thing about TC is their incredible
need to be involved in every aspect of every
flight of every aircraft in Canada.

THEY NEED CONTROL.  They need a shitload
of paperwork on EVERYTHING.  They are all
about completely useless illusions and overhead
with flight line safety.  They think there is
absolutely no cost whatsoever to increasing
regulatory overhead.

They have absolutely no clue about what they
are attempting to regulate.
Chuck Ellsworth

So how in hell did we get to this place with the regulator where they basically think they are our masters?

For me it is easy to deal with them because if one of them were to approach me I would tell them to fuck off, and in no way would I ever co operate with one of them.

If everyone did that it would end their thinking they are our masters.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Once (if) you get a high enough profile, you will
be a worthwhile target to tear down.

[url= ... ights.html] ... ights.html[/url]

[quote]During a June 1992 performance in Oklahoma City, OK, two FAA Inspectors allegedly seeking to [b]‘bust somebody famous’[/b] filed a report (later contested by every airshow performer who was there, and a fellow FAA inspector) that called into question Hoover’s abilities as a pilot, as well as his reasoning and social skills.

Bob went on to fly 33 more airshows, in front of hundreds of thousands of people without a scratch (or a pep from the FAA), before the FAA issued an inexplicable “Emergency” order grounding him immediately – well over a year after the OKC show that started the action.[/quote]

There's plenty of glory in taking down Bob Hoover
or Buffalo Joe.  Those Inspectors are super-studs
after that.
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