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Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

I was back home last week for a funeral, and I must say.. Although we think we have the freedom to fly in Canada.. we really dont..

How is it possible for there to me more bureaucracy with respect to GA in Canada, as compared with Europe?

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I know exactly what you mean.  TC just barely
tolerates us, as we commit the crime of aviation.

God, I love flying in the USA.
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:51 pm

Sure, except when they ban Canadian aircraft from playing in their airspace...   ???

At least that farce has been fixed - for now:

FAA banned Canadian private planes from U.S. airspace for 1 month
Security decision meant planes travelling between Canadian destinations couldn't use U.S. airspace
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

PilotDAR wrote:

You're going to replace the seals in your oleo.What is the first thing you do?Refer to the up to date maintenance manual for the aircraft!I always throw that question out there when people bring up om.You answered it correctly (as I would expect) If a guy says blow off the nitrogen before unpinning the torque link I know he's dangerous.

Its shit like this that doesnt help....  SOOOOOO dangerous....

Strega wrote: I was back home last week for a funeral, and I must say.. Although we think we have the freedom to fly in Canada.. we really dont..

How is it possible for there to me more bureaucracy with respect to GA in Canada, as compared with Europe?
Less bureaucracy in Europe ? Really ? What exactly are you referring to ? I am intrigued !
Chuck Ellsworth

From personal experience having worked for many years in Europe I'll take Europe any day as far as aviation bureaucracy goes in fact I'll take Africa ahead of Canada.

One of the things I noticed touring three countries in Europe a couple of years ago was the absence of small planes in the sky. I sighted a Maule  :)  towing a banner over the beach in Italy and that was about it.

I guess they don't need a bureaucracy if there are no aircraft. 
Chuck Ellsworth

I guess they don't need a bureaucracy if there are no aircraft.

That is interesting because when I flew there for a living there were lots and lots of airplanes.

I guess things change in ten years.

What do you think caused all those airplanes to disappear from the skies over there?

Anyhow when there were airplanes flying there their regulators were far, far better to deal with than the losers Canada hires to oversee aviation
Rookie Pilot
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Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

Chuck, from what I've heard it's far, far more expensive. Fees, fuel, rental costs, everything. And few GA airports.
Chuck Ellsworth

Chuck, from what I've heard it's far, far more expensive. Fees, fuel, rental costs, everything. And few GA airports.
Yes that is true.But my comment was directly concerning the difference in the bureaucracy. Canada has a far more inefficient convoluted system and the people that are running it are far, far, more inflexible and just plain stupid to try and deal with.
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