Air Canada passenger suffers 'horrible pain' after being stuck in cramped seat

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[url= ... -1.3599406] ... -1.3599406[/url]

I wonder if this guy bothered to get up every few hours stretch and move around at all. And sorry this is just another lets pick on Air Canada article by the CBC.

Title should be nothing better to report on so lets pick on Air Canada.

And look who is at it again "Airline passenger advocate Gabor Lukacs"

Same turd that blew a gasket over New Leaf, who is this freak and why on earth does he even get airtime from the media.

hmmm Maybe we should form a collective and call an Air Travel advocacy group.

Air Mail
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 2:59 am

of course he didn't bother getting off his fat ass. 
And yes, Gabor seems to have a lot of free time on his hands.  Imagine what he could actually do if he invested that time more wise rather than be the whiny bitch he is
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