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Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

I guess like me he's just a little baffled as to whether this is trolling or cognitive dissonance (I'm talking about turning the fuel off in ME training, not split Ses).

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

There's a certain point where one has paid for the crimes of the past
Actually, not, not true, according to TC.  See
their Federal Court of Appeals precedent where
Double Jeopardy does NOT apply to Administrative

That's a precedent that TC fought for many years
to establish, at considerable legal expense.

It allows TC to punish you over and over and over
and over again - and they will - for the same offense,
regardless of passage of time or previous penalties

According to TC, you never ever stop paying for
what they deem to be a "crime".

That's what we jokingly refer to as "the law"
in this police state known as Canada.

And that's what BPF so eagerly wants to be
a part of.
Chuck Ellsworth

He is now part of it.

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Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Well that is too bad, hope he reconsiders.

I won't argue that Scud, but that doesn't mean that it can't be drug into the muck. I personally would rather see your site stand on its own as opposed to being dependent on Avcanada for material. I'm sure you'd agree that it wouldn't be much if all this was was threads that started with links to the other place. My opinion, take it for what you paid for it.

I would argue that this site does stand on its own merit, it is because many of you have contributed great posts and expressed your opinions free of censorship. Please go check out the stats at the bottom of the home page for how many views this site gets, its not just Chuck and Colonel clicking and reading.

We have many regular readers who don't post which is totally fine, I lurk on a few other sites myself.

When it comes to posting links to other sites there will be a lot of duplication between aviation forums and I encourage you all to post links on here to them. I want you to feel free to post and talk about whatever you like, if you don't like the topic don't post and you certainly don't need to read it. I just think its funny that this site causes so much controversy, go ahead try and post a link to a topic from here to other sites and watch how fast it gets pulled.

And to that point this is the precise reason why this monkey with a keyboard decided to create this site in the first place. I would post something and because some mod didn't think it was to their liking they would pull it or worse yet they would edit my post to something completely different. 

Which brings me to my second chuckle point, Mods don't get paid sqwat for their efforts. Avcanada and PPRUNE are printing cash on their backs. (I suppose you could say typical pilots working for substandard wages read zero.)

Don't believe me? go and google "adsense", you know those ads posted on this sites and others and learn about the revenue it can generate to a website then take a look at how many viewers those sites get and get your e6b out and do some math. Then look for direct ads on those sites, companies purchase to a targeted audience and do some more reading on what business will pay for that many eyeballs on there ads.

Intrigued ? want me to go on?

Internet Brands owns which was acquired for $640 Million by these guys  a private equity firm worth $36 Billion

Do you think Internet Brands and Hellman and Friedmen give a shit about Scudrunners posts on PPRUNE? No, but their volunteer mod sure does!

The current asking price for Avcanada is $1.5 million, yup I asked. owned by Demand Media DMD on the NYSE valued at $89 Million

Scudrunners , not for sale and no openings for mods thanks for asking.
This site has generated enough to cover hosting, domain and some logo and templates/mods which were $140, $20, $25 and $10 respectively. So we essentially broke even! which was my goal, yaaa goals! 

So if every once in a while posts get derailed or dragged through the muck its the price we pay to have an open discussion.
I just like having this as a meeting point of folks who like to talk airplanes, will it grow into a multi million dollar site?

Of course it will and it will be a fun time.

Chuck Ellsworth

I post here on Skudrunners because I can express my opinion knowing that as long as I stay within the bounds of civility it will not get pulled.

If one takes a close look here you will see some of aviations most experienced pilots post here and some of them have either got tired of having their posts deleted on other forums or they have been booted out of the forums by biased moderators.

Danny Fine started Pprune and made it very successful and he finally sold it.

I have one of Danny's original Pprune pins at home he gave me when we spent some time together.

Pprune like Avcanada has become over moderated and a lot of the older experienced posters no longer post.

Make a post that even seems to be negative about another poster and that poster will contact the mods and get your post removed on Pprune as well as Avcanada.

This site has not folded because there is enough really experienced people here that draws lurkers.

B.P.F. was babbling about how Skudrunners would fold before Xmas... is still here.
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Scud: I just want to discuss aviation, not have bullshit mind games. When 3 posters (Chuck, Strega and the Colonel) say that only an idiot would cut an engine during ME training because it creates unnecessary risk, then completely change their mind and say it's fine to do that (just because Strega suddenly says he does it) and starts these ridiculous flame war against BPF, it's kind of ridiculous and a waste of everyone's time.

The reason avcanada is successful is that there isn't any of this bullshit any more, and we can actually discuss aviation rather than engaging in circle jerk mindgames and similar BS. There was a bit of overmoderation in the past on avcanada, but it seems fine now.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

B.P.F. was babbling about how Skudrunners would fold before Xmas
Funny how the fight is over there, and we're over
here, laughing about it  ::)

completely change their mind and say it's fine to do that
Dear Mr Crunch:  I really wish aviation (and life) was as
simple as you try to make it out to be.

However, the unpleasant truth is that aviation (and life)
is more complicated than any simple set of rules could
ever deal with.

The fact is, what works for one person in one place might
very well not work for another person in another place.

This is terribly non-egalitarian, and I realize that will
upset you, and is completely beyond the comprehension
of a government employee, but try to ponder it a while.

PS  I have never met Strega in person, and probably
won't.  I don't even know his real name, or his email
or his phone number.  We have never even PM'd each
other, or had any other private communication which
you were not privy to.  It is somewhat paranoid of you
to conclude there is a "bunch of us" out here, plotting
against you.
Chuck Ellsworth


My answer to Strega was about shutting off the fuel, he asked me if I ever had one not relight when I turned the fuel back on.

My answer was no.

As far as I can recall I have said I do not shut down engines in flight when doing multi engine flight training because I see no justifiable reason to do so. I consider it creating a possible emergency situation when one should not exist.

The nice thing about this forum is we can respond to other posters comments...

....if you think my way of training is just mind game B.S. that is just fine with me.

How about backing that up with proof of how superior your multi engine training methods are?
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Something to ponder:  The Convergence Of The Central Limit Theorem.

The fact is, some people, in some airplanes, under some circumstances
can safely shut down pistons in twins.  See Bob Hoover, as an extreme
example.  He shuts BOTH down, at low altitude, then proceeds to do
surface aerobatics.

I might opine that even the God-like moderators of AvCan do not have
that skill.  Nor will they ever.

Now let's look at Strega.  He does stuff that pisses off AvCan, which as
you might imagine, bothers me greatly.

However, he is still alive.  The proof is in the pudding, as my grandmother
used to say.  The Convergence of the Central Limit Theorem tells us that
if Strega (never met the man) can fly a piston twin in a particular manner,
and is still alive after a statistically significant length of time, we must
therefore conclude that he knows what he is doing.

Physics doesn't care how much someone is liked or disliked.  Sir Isaac
Newton beat your Saint Zuckerberg to the party.
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Chuck Ellsworth wrote:
My answer to Strega was about shutting off the fuel, he asked me if I ever had one not relight when I turned the fuel back on.

My answer was no.

You also said "The procedure Strega has described is very safe."

As far as I can recall I have said I do not shut down engines in flight when doing multi engine flight training because I see no justifiable reason to do so. I consider it creating a possible emergency situation when one should not exist.

You also said that anyone who advocates it has a low IQ.

....if you think my way of training is just mind game B.S. that is just fine with me.

No, I completely agree with your method of training, hence my comment.
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