The NDB approach.

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Posts: 67
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 11:47 pm

What you charge for instruction provides ZERO indication of how "good" of an instructor you are. I'm not saying you're a bad instructor, I suspect you're a fantastic one, but that is a terrible argument. I'm with SSU,  most of these arguments would be torn to shreds under peer review, but most of us are pilots, and as such pretty dumb.


Chuck Ellsworth

Hey, like I said everyone here has their own opinions and that is normal fo human society.

Lets say I am not really all that good an instructor and I lucked in for a few decades and managed to charge a really high fee for my time and a lot of luck went with it.

Flight training was only a small part of my business I earned the really good money flying for the movie and TV industry.

Now there is a bench mark by which my qualifications can be measured and that is Lloyds of London,

There is no way on God's earth the movie industry will employ you to fly their people shooting movie footage unless Lloyds will insure you.

I don't mind posting these facts because I really am satisfied with how successful my flying career was.

So how many here would be able to be insured to work for the movie and TV industry?

Then again maybe I was just lucky enough have slipped through the hoops involved in getting approved?

You guys will soon have a break from my irritating posts as I will be heading down to California for a few months in my new diesel motor home all those dumb suckers paid me enough to be able afford .  :) :)

I am thinking this is like picking wings off flies and maybe I should quit???
Posts: 67
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 11:47 pm

I was flying for paramount pictures summer before last. Does that count? I still think you'd be a fantastic instructor due to the experience you have in the industry. It's just a shit argument  ;)
Chuck Ellsworth

Yup, this gang has a good sense of humour for sure.

Most of you know I just had enough of the B.S. that is involved in aviation and when the Doctors at the airline that I was getting my medicals from found out I was flying in the airshow business they grounded me because it was just to risky for someone 70 years old to be pulling the G loads I was.

I was so fuckin happy to be able to get out of aviation I was delirious.

I don't know how Andy puts up with the assholes that run the airshow business.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]it was just to risky for someone 70 years old to be pulling the G loads I was[/quote]

Too funny.  This is being done at the surface,
picture taken with a $10 camera:

[img width=500 height=386][/img]

#2 is 77.  I'm #3.  Like my intercept?  ;D 

I'm sure the "experts" here won't, from
their vast knowledge accumulated from
flying a 150 a handful of hours a year.

Chuck:  I wish you could have attended
my wedding / airshow in Sept!  Many
grumpy old pilots, from all walks of
life: ex-mil, ex-bush, ex-airline, etc.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:35 am.
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