Where did our resident expert west coast TCCA inspector go?

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Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

He hasnt been posting... did he fall in a hole full of BS?  :)

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

As a new TC Inspector, I would be very
surprised if he posts under his old name,
ever again.

TC Inspectors occasionally post on websites,
but only anonymously.  Career suicide.

I'm sure he will do well there.
Chuck Ellsworth

Naw, his comment was  fair.

Once BPF got on with TC he can not post on any public internet site for fear of TC becoming embarrassed by something he may say.

I do feel sympathy for anyone he might choose to bully though.

Hopefully he will be assigned to flight training because he should know how to fly a Cessna 172 by now.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

[quote]Well obviously he didn't fall into the same hole of BS that you live in.


[quote]Has anyone else ever noticed that Strega always seems to post when oil futures are down?

Methinks this is a projection of some frustration.  ;D[/quote]

Chuck Ellsworth

I see he is still posting on the other site, today he dissed Nav Canada.
Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

They stink.

I visited 2 summers ago and the response is, "stay clear of the airspace".  Not only no service, rude no service.

Maybe I'm spoiled with Toronto centre, they aren't perfect and usually do not want you inside the class C, but they will always do FF just outside of it, and the traffic info is valuable,  (and NO I DONT depend on it -- to avoid the inevitable snide comments )

Don't tell me how busy Vancouver FIR is either -- please. I'm in Toronto. Flown in NYC, where I got a code to fly down the Hudson River -- with traffic calls. Vancouver isn't busy at all.
Chuck Ellsworth

Hey gang, I am not defending Nav. Can. they are a joke in the world of air traffic control.
, and just for the record I have flown IfR in more countries than many of you here have to different airports.

My comment was B.P.F. is now collecting a pay cheque from us and is dissing the very system he is now employed by.....and yes I know Nav. Can. is not exactly T.C.

However their top management side stepped from T.C. to Nav. Can. ...if it walks like a duck..swims like a duck and quacks like a duck.....................................
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