More flight school follies -- Toronto Island

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Rookie Pilot
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"UPDATE: TSB Report#A15O0043: C-GSAR, a Cessna 172 aircraft, with a solo student pilot was conducting crosswind takeoffs and landings on Runway 26 at Toronto BBTCA, when the aircraft exited the left side of the runway.

The student applied power, took off and continued circuits for another 20 minutes. It was later discovered that the aircraft had sustained damage to both the left and right wings and had damaged two airport ground antennas. The aircraft is currently grounded and waiting for a ferry permit to fly out for repairs."

Found this gem. Hits attennas, goes back on runway, full power, doesn't tell anyone. Wow.....

Now once in a FTU plane on a really dark night I missed the taxiway, taxied onto the grass. Didn't hit a thing but I confessed that immediately, no damage other than really muddy tires. Still wouldn't think of doing otherwise!

Gotta wonder....

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Link to the PorkChops video of the event?

I am sure Schteevie will have an exciting
yet entirely altruistic narrative, with lessons
for all of us! 

I  remember a previous video of his at the
island, where he actually had [b][i]TWENTY
DEGREEs[/i][/b] of bank on, on final!  I almost
wet my pants!!
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wow I have to wonder the extent of the damage to the aircraft's wings. He must have one hell of a noise cancelling head set to not hear that lol
Air Mail
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 2:59 am

Maybe he had already pre paid for the one hour and was determined to get what he paid for  :D
Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:32 pm

We had a good one at Blunder Bay:  Instructor flying paying passengers  from YYJ to ZBB hit one hell of a big Bald Eagle on landing, damaging the right wing.  She then flew 3 more round trips with the same aircraft, between ZBB/YYJ/ZBB before reporting the damage.

Or how about the off-shore 4 bar in a 172 who hit R07 at YCW bounced hard into the grass, onto the taxiway and continued doing circuits.

It takes all kinds and after 65 years in aviation when I think that I've seen it all, another dum=ass invents another way to bend an airplane. 

Hence the Darwin Award\

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