What is with this work the dock mindset?

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Chuck Ellsworth

I keep seeing people advising young new commercial pilots to get a job working the docks to learn bush flying.

What exactly would spending a year as a menial labourer teach them about how to fly a bush plane?

Chuck Ellsworth

Menial labour and flying a float plane have nothing in common.

It is not all that difficult to interview, check past references and fly with a new float plane pilot to determine if he/she has potential to be trained for your flying operation.

That way you have the services of a pilot to fly your airplane right from the start, rather than waste a year of both your lives seeing if they have a work ethic.

If you made a mistake in hiring him/her you can let him/her go during or after the probation period.
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

The famous Canadian "pilot wantabe program" -- mushroom syndrome -- keep them in the dark and feed them shit ---- it's a racket and cheap labour for operators -- then after you have kept these guys on the poverty line just rub a little salt in the wound and make them sign a bond to cover training costs -- damn -- ain't Canadian aviation wonderful -- the puppy mills keep turning out pilots (because that's their business) at a great rate which can't be absorbed so now there is a cheap labour force beating the doors down just for the smell of an aeroplane
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_su ... ess_supply

In a perfect world, the people running the puppy
mills, like the people running the payday loan
outfits, would burn in Hell for eternity.

Both of them take scandalous advantage of
the disadvantaged.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

The dock aint so bad... on the other forum, there is an add to "put up x mas lights"....  clearly the path to the left seat :)
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