The Best In The World

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Something positive.  Instead of a thread about
some four-bar assclown with an excessive money
to brains ratio ...

How about the best in the world, freestyle at the WAC?

Fun fact:  When Rob was starting out, Arlo at TC
blocked him from getting low-altitude aerobatic
training, presumably in order to cause an accident
as we so frequently see by people with no clue.

Fortunately, Rob blew right past Arlo's nasty work
to what we see today.

Good job, TC!

Tailwind W10
Posts: 110
Joined: Fri May 22, 2015 5:39 pm

My goodness!  I believe Mr. Holland has a wee bit of skill!!!
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

Poetry in the sky. Beautiful.....
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 9:54 pm

Colonel wrote: Something positive.  Instead of a thread about
some four-bar assclown with an excessive money
to brains ratio ...
Hahaha - made me smile - if this is your idea of positive I'd hate to see negative....
Chuck Ellsworth

For me the most beautiful aerobatics I have seen are this guy.

Second was a guy flying a 600 HP Stearman.

Hey Colonel, I used to have to wear four bars and it hurts my feelings to think I looked like an assclown.

I'm really hurt. :'(
Chuck Ellsworth

I am lying here in bed watching TV and got to thinking about the importance of wearing for bars.

The corporation I am involved with owns a trucking company with depots all across Canada and down into the USA and we employ several hundred drivers.

If we supply them with uniforms with four gold bars on the sleeves and their shirts how much less money can we pay them?

If it works for airplane drivers why wouldn't it work for truck drivers?
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

This site is growing slowly but it is steady. The summer months on all these forums is very slow, once the kids are back in school and the days grow shorter I believe we will see an acceleration of members signing up and posting.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]if this is your idea of positive[/quote]

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.  Just watch Rob fly,
and watch the master at work.

Here's another video:

Freddy and Gary.  Neat angles.  Gary is the best
airshow pilot that you have never heard of.
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

[quote]If we supply them with uniforms with four gold bars on the sleeves and their shirts how much less money can we pay them?[/quote]
You are an evil bastard Chuck, it's a good idea.
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