Renting planes...

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Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:21 pm
Location: Group W Bench

So... this has become seemingly impossible. Here's my latest experience.

Drop by local flying club. They have a few 172s, cherokees, i think perfect. I end up with a lot kf down days on the road and Im kinda jonesing to go have fun in a little airplane. I always ask if i can hire an instructor for an hour to go do some circuits or go for a tour of the local area. Im that kind of crazy. Nope, have to be a club member. Ok, i bite. How hard can that be? Surely nothing money cant buy, right? $1500 down to join. That doesnt stop me. Sure that's going to make for some pricy airplane time, but i figure i can make it worth my while with a few hours, and hey, maybe i might return here a few times in the next few years. I ask what else is entailed, and here's the kick in the nuts. I have to pay the money, and then they review whether they want me as a member... A process that they estimated would take 4 weeks! And then i would have to book a check flight with their in house instructor...

I mean, sounds like a club that don't want new members.

Anyways, does anyone here have any better places to rent planes or instructors that are more willing? Anywhere that is.

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Slick Goodlin
Posts: 992
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That blows and I hear more and more about how renting is weird. Case in point, a friend of mine has written his CPL for a challenge and because of that the local school won’t allow him to rent an airplane for fun. They say you’re either a student or a renter but can’t be both. It’s nutty.

Anyways, where abouts are you? Maybe that would help find a non-insane club or better yet, someone selling block time.
David MacRay
Posts: 830
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:16 am

Have you tried Claresholm? They seem pretty friendly. Maybe that’s not the issue. Do you want me to investigate?

There’s Olds, Airdrie and a new satellite operation at Springbank.

Unless you mean in Hawaii. In which case I highly recommend Maui Aviators.
Posts: 487
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:21 pm
Location: Group W Bench

David MacRay wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:20 pm Have you tried Claresholm? They seem pretty friendly. Maybe that’s not the issue. Do you want me to investigate?

There’s Olds, Airdrie and a new satellite operation at Springbank.

Unless you mean in Hawaii. In which case I highly recommend Maui Aviators.
Nah, i can find planes easy enough around home, but thats partly because i know people. In Washington (state), heading for California tomorrow, so just as well.

Just disappointing to see flying clubs are the same everywhere. Not sure why most of them have a public facing. They dont want new people.
The details of my life are quite inconsequential...
David MacRay
Posts: 830
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:16 am

I figured I was being as helpful as usual. I still had to try.

The club in Helena seemed pretty awesome several years ago. :P Affordable too but I’m living in the past.
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