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So the fuckwad took mushrooms before the flight.

I give it a month until Congress enacts a deeper dive in to psyche eval’s during medicals.

https://cbsaustin.com/resources/pdf/d6b ... tid=Zxz2cZ
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Nark wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:26 pm
I give it a month until Congress enacts a deeper dive in to psyche eval’s during medicals.

https://cbsaustin.com/resources/pdf/d6b ... tid=Zxz2cZ
Which, ironically, would only increase chances of this happening again.

It's not pilots being treated for depression that cause issues. It's the ones that hide it and are afraid to get treatment that have a higher likely hood of causing trouble. You want the second group to be smaller, not bigger.
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