Hangar stack planner

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I’m closing on a hangar deal March 1 it’s a glorified tent but at Canadian Airports that’s the best you can hope for at a reasonable price these days without dropping 400k at an airport that will gouge you for fuel and “condo” fees.

Anyway, friends got a 152 and I want to help him store his bird in with mine. Would a 152 and a 337 fit in a barn with a 42’ X 30’ hangar ?

I can’t seem to find the program I’ve used before for stacking hangars. Anyone got a free site I can use ?

Slick Goodlin
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If you’re getting the hangar anyways why not just have him over and try? You may be able to free up a little more space by having one or both planes roll a main wheel up on a short ramp.
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I honestly had no idea hangars were still worth anything in Canada.
I ain't asking nobody for nothing, if I can't get it on my own.
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I don't see how. It's barely big enough for your skymaster (based on internet dimensions of 38 ft x 29 ft).
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The same dimensions of hangar now I have a skybolt in with the 337. It’s a pain in the ass but a little twist to it and it works.

His 152 is out on the island at the moment so I’ll need to find a local 152 to experiment with placement.

Thought it would be easier to play with the hanger stack online tool I’ve used before to figure out best placement.

The 152 in the front maybe angled wing over my nose or some such wizardry.
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I used paper cut outs …
I’m looking to build a hangar for the beast, Cessna and friends Columbia 400
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Twin Beech restoration:
Slick Goodlin
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Nark wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:14 am I’m looking to build a hangar for the beast, Cessna and friends Columbia 400
…and two Pitts S-1s to maximize utilization of space.
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Where is the hangar? and do you have access to it?
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