ADSB Canada mandate

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Canada is going Satellite based while the US is ground based. However speaking with someone in the know in the USA their is serious talk about a dual system to conform to how the world is going to with satellite based.

The One I linked to from my understanding will function with both systems.

As for timeline
Class A Canadian airspace on August 10, 2023
Class B Canadian airspace on May 16, 2024
Class C, D and E to occur no sooner than 2026 and will be determined pending further assessment.

Might as well get in front of it now if you plan on updating anything.

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Removing your entire mode C setup and installing a new mode S installation is probably going to cost every Canadian aircraft owner around C$10,000?

That’s one fucking incredible tax. With no complaints?

I guess Canada’s economy must have really expanded like gangbusters during the years of Covid lockdowns to afford to effortlessly pay a new, hefty tax like that.

The Canadian government has a lot to apologize for. Instead it fucks every aircraft owner up the ass for $10k. And they don’t say a word.

Please tell me what I’m not understanding here.
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Please tell me what I’m not understanding here.
There's probably a substantial amount that don't know its coming. But of those that do most private owners, probably a) are all too happy to have such a gadget, or b) won't need one anyways since they avoid controlled airspace. The former category, the $10K is just a drop in the bucket of the cost that they want to feel "safe". I know a guy who just spent $120K on avionics to upgrade his 210. Pretty sure he wasn't too put out by adding the ADS-B in that package. The latter category guys are already deterred from flying out of class G by the "have to talk to ATC" requirement. There are fewer and fewer pilots in Canada in between those groups, and they will either pony up, or become part of that latter group.

If there are people in either group upset about it, keep in mind that you probably just don't hear about it. I mean COPA has been on it I guess.

But when you realize that between this and the "other" forum, the posters represent maybe less than 1% of active Canadian pilots, its not surprising that not much noise is made about anything. Or at least noise you may hear about. I mean I hear a lot of people bitching about it at flying club type gatherings, but most of them don't even know what ADS-B is anyways.

Edit: COPA's info is out of date, from the most current info I got, the mandate has been pushed back to August 2023 for A and B. 2026 for C and D, so I also suspect that many are still waiting and seeing.
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I would hazard a guess most who operate in class A and B already have ADS-B to fly into the USA. Maybe some hold outs in northern Canada or regional players sort of thing.

As for the mixmaster, i primary fly it as a VFR and light IFR machine, you know punch through a layer or if I have to sort of deal. If I’m paying I like to enjoy my view.

Having the option to head south or into busy airspace is not a huge issue at the moment but I foresee it becoming a necessity and if I’m going to be updating some of the panel it’s a well shit let’s do it all at once sort of mindset.
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I would hazard a guess most who operate in class A and B already have ADS-B to fly into the USA.
I hope at least once it comes in NavCanada will be more in line with how the Americans handle traffic separation and buffering from restricted areas.
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