What is your favorite plane you have flown?

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Chuck Ellsworth

The Husky fly's like a Pitts...because it was designed by the same guy.

The Super Cub fly's like a Cub because it is a Cub.

The Husky is way, way better.

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

I'm convinced. Let's get a huskey to share.

I can chip in about $3200.
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri May 22, 2015 1:55 am

The husky is a cool airplane...

But fuck those flap hangars.

My favorite aircraft to fly so far is a 7GCBC, with the metal spar, spades and horsepower. 

I decided to fix them instead of fly them though, so as far as my favorite type to ride in I'd have to say the dash-8 is probably my favorite. 

I would like to get back into flying one day but who knows... Life isn't getting any longer and the more I think about bringing more aviation into the house the more I think it might be a better retirement activity.

A few aircraft I would like to hear perspective on are:
Bellanca viking
Globe swift
And has anybody actually witnessed a flying thatcher cx-4? I know chuck likes these
And of course the cricket.  Would love just to see one.
Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]And of course the cricket.  Would love just to see one.[/quote]

I own one. they are really well designed machines.

The Bellanca and the Swift are real nice flying machines.

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

When is the last time you flew the cricket Chuck and what is the max gross takeoff weight?
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

For me B72, HS74, BCH 18, DC3 and Whoredyne in that order - I was never a fan of DH products

In my youth a J3-90hp was a great and fun toy, now I might vote for a Husky on big wheels but for the time being  I'm having a blast with my minijet boat  >:D
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

I really enjoyed flying the DC-3.

The 737-300 was my first jet so it holds a place on my list.

The 757 was an amazing machine - would go anywhere the 737-300 would go and could be operated trans-atlantic as well.

The A330 is a fantastic piece of technology.

The A340 is my current favourite - low oil prices have changed the economics of this aircraft. You can lease one for less than the lease on a 737/A320. Flies beautifully - I prefer it over the A330.

The A340-500 is in a class by itself - performs like a twin. It's the only aircraft I've flown where an engine failure in cruise has no consequences - you can maintain speed and altitude. The aircraft will actually fly [b]further[/b] on 3 engines.
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F-5 Freedom Fighter,

First time Air to Air refueling, only the single seat version had the probe so first time is solo.

First time shooting a gun from an airplane, and like the probe, only the single seaters had a gun.

Dropped my first bomb from the sleek little jet.

Went fast because of its shape, not its power (or lack thereof).

Stable down low, like a rock, and rolled at 720 deg/sec even if did have the turn radius of a mac truck on black ice.

For a 4 year old boy who decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot, it was there first airplane where I could say I had realised that dream.

Only a hundred hours on it, but it is my favourite.
Posts: 134
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 9:56 pm

My Cherokee. 

Of course being that my logbook only contains entries from 3 C172s, 2 C150s, a Warrior and my Cherokee, I haven't exactly flown a plethora of aircraft on which to base my opinion.

I like the Cherokee because:

1. It's mine
2. Manual flaps
3. It's yellow
4. Doesn't glide worth a shit/prodigious descent rate in a slipping turn make for tight and fun circuits
5. Feels more solid in the air than brand C airplanes
6. Overhead trim crank has a bit of vintage cachet
7. Super duper draggy, I can approach as fast as I want and bleed off any excess energy in the last couple hundred feet
8. 2" wider cabin than a 172 (makes more of a difference in comfort than you would think)
9. I get to hop off the wing like Chuck Yeager, rather than slide underneath like your first girlfriend  :))

10. (most important) It's mine
Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:32 pm

Nearly 800 hours on this little bird.  I flew one for the first time at Camp Borden in 1968, when all of the manufacturers were trying to sell the CAF a new Chipmunk replacement.  It was in tough shape when I bought it in 1996 and the "What-If" paint job was the result.

Not flying anymore do to Mother Nature jerking me around and the Grumman Alleycat is for sale

[URL=http://s60.photobucket.com/user/alleyca ... t.jpg.html][img width=500 height=324]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h40/a ... leyCat.jpg[/img][/URL]
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