Aerial Footage of Convoy to Ottawa

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In Ottawa they are already being demonized by the usual suspects.
One washed out ex politician commented on the radio with righteous
voice that he was afraid it could turn into "another Jan 6"
Heard there is going to be a counter protest.
It will be interesting to know who is financing it
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Now that has to be the dumbest thing one could post on social media. And dumb shit on social media is my area of expertise.

I’ll keep this in the aviation section

Meanwhile England finally woke up and lifted all restrictions and realized this ain’t going away even with restrictions.

What she said and listen to the stats Bill drops Maine vs West Virginia.

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Meanwhile England finally woke up and lifted all restrictions
That decision wasn't based on public health. Boris is running scared - that
was a political decision.

It's important to remember that COVID - the eternal flu - is a pandemic of power.

A Supreme Court Justice recently observed that "there were no flu deaths in 2020" -
what did he mean by that?
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Finally someone with some balls

Former Newfoundland Premier and a guy who just so happen to be there and apart of the constitution legislation is being action against the government. ... trictions/

Jordan Peterson interviews him about this.

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Anyone else just trying to see how old those ARC radios that guy had are? That's some nice kit!
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Squaretail wrote:
Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:02 pm
Anyone else just trying to see how old those ARC radios that guy had are? That's some nice kit!
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I'm hearing really nutty stuff about what's going on in Ottawa:

1) Trudeau's ex-wife contributed $25k to the truckers? Does that mean she holds "unacceptable" views?

2) The CBC is claiming a Russian invasion is behind the truckers? Does that mean the truckers, like Donald Trump,
are guilty of "Russia Collusion"?

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