Taildragger Landings

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Remember on Seinfeld, they had this legendary "Soup Nazi" that screamed
at people when they didn't order their fucking soup corrrectly?


We have "Landing Nazis" that are similarly wound up about completely
unimportant issues. They are comedic, but lack the intelligence to notice
that detail.

I can't think of anything less important, than the chronological ordering
of taildragger tires touching the pavement. That's what the "Landing Nazis"
continually screech and honk about - that tiny, unimportant detail.

I can't think of anything more important, than


which of course, is completely unimportant to the "Landing Nazis". Whether
or not the airframe is wrecked is uninteresting to these strange bigots.

Meta-lesson: people who aren't very bright, don't prioritize very well.
Sometimes their mistakes in this regard, are fatal to them and anyone
else unfortunate enough to be on (or underneath) their airplane.

PS I use the word "bigot" above most carefully and precisely, in this
context. It is defined thusly:
a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
That very accurately describes the "Landing Nazis", don't you think?

All I can say for sure, after a quarter century and thousands of hours
of tailwheel dual given on many, many antique, warbird and experimental
and certified types is ...

The larger and heavier the aircraft, the more naturally it wheel lands.

The above is an observation. Not religious dogma. Ok Landing Nazis?

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This old bird loves to wheel land and with pax in front its far smoother for them.

I stopped listening to landing advice about the time Andy moved to Kalifornia.
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Location: Over The Runway

It's ok to be different. Just because someone is different, doesn't mean they're wrong.

There may be many different solutions to a problem. Some solutions that have not occurred
to you, may have considerable merit. You don't know what you don't know, after all.

I wish people could try to be a little more tolerant. I know this is anathema to the checklist crowd, but ...

I remember pilots that would watch me fly, and tell me, "That's dangerous!"

I would reply, "Well yes, it would be dangerous if you attempted it".

It's ok to be different. I know it's difficult for some people to believe this, but you cannot
measure someone's IQ on the basis of how much they agree with you. Really.
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