In other Canadian Government Military Procurement Bungling News.

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Big Pistons Forever
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Sadly the whole question around what new fighter aircraft to buy is just a symptom of the much bigger issue.

No one in this government or pretty much any of the previous governments could provide a cogent and complete answer to a pretty simple question

“ Why does Canada have a Military and what do we want it to do ?”

I think it is very interesting that Canada is the only G8 nation that does not have any strategic doctrine publications. Lots of tactical guidance, a bit at the operational level, but nothing at the strategic level except the “Strong, Secure, Engaged:Canada’s Defence Policy document. This is the epitome of a feel good, say nothing, platitude filled, aspirational document heavily vetted by the PMO’s office that passes for a vision for the CAF.

As a CAF veteran it makes me angry to see serial institutional failure…..

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Mighty frustrating to watch, and be part of.

I wonder if we know any of the same people BPF?
Big Pistons Forever
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TwinOtterFan wrote:
Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:25 am

I wonder if we know any of the same people BPF?
I was Navy so probably not.
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I was technically Navy lol, never seen a ship my whole career though.
trey kule
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You guys are so negative.

I have it on absolute authority (from someone in the know, but who was not allowed to comment publicly), that Canada is on track to produce the world’s first electric fighter aircraft.

In a statement from Bombardier with regard to the $6 billion the federal government had provided them to advance this project, they stated that Canada is a leader in this research and development as we have limited oil resources to fuel our present fleet, and thus need to be a leader in the field.

Critics have tried to present arguments that it is not feasible, but federal spokesman Smellie Butts noted that they were all right wing , anti-vax extremists

Smellie went on to say that the government would continue to purchase VIP government aircraft as they are the ones subjected to the highest utilization rates, and are a key element in the fight against the climate crisis,.

He said that the present fighter fleet should last until the new electric fighters are available, but in the interim, we can access fighters from China when they have a surplus after the successful invasion of Taiwan.

Greta called it a win-win.


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:lol: :lol: :lol:
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