If you had a time machine ...

Flying Tips and Advice from The Colonel!
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On Friday, I had some young @sshole shit all over me, because I did not have a time machine.

This got me thinking. If I had a time machine, what would I do with it? When/where would I go? What would I fly?

This brings me to my list of Top Three Times I Really Wish I Was Flying There

1) England, Spitfire, August+ 1940. Battle of Britain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of ... in_assault
2) Guadalcanal, Wildcat, August+ 1942: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Air_Force#August
3) Thailand, F-4, September+ 1966: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Olds#MiG_Kills

You've probably never heard of this guy, but:
Robin Olds states that following the shoot down of his fourth MiG, he intentionally avoided shooting down a fifth, even though he had at least ten opportunities to do so, because he had learned in the middle of June that Seventh Air Force, at the direction of Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown, would immediately relieve him of command to return to the United States as a publicity asset if he did.

He was awarded a fourth Silver Star for leading a three-aircraft low-level bombing strike on March 30, 1967, and the Air Force Cross for an attack on the Paul Doumer Bridge in Hanoi
What are yours? And why?

NB. I note from the above, that August/September are good flying months. I wonder why that is?

JW Scud
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Marianas Turkey Shoot.

Better odds.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of ... ippine_Sea

As a note of caution if you ever find that time machine. I read a WWII book (can't remember the name of it) where he said that most of the highly experienced aerobatic guys from a previous life were shot down. They flew around doing their perfect loops in the sky but their predictable flight patterns in the sky made them easy targets.

Might have been The Most Dangerous Enemy book. I'll see if I can find the quote.
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Have no fear! I have yet to fly a perfect loop, and the only time the ball
is in the center is when it is rapidly passing through from one side to the

I like to think that learning is a two-way street, and that I've picked up a
lot over the years from the students! :lol:

PS. A runner-up for me would be Laos 1960's:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_For ... ontrollers
Laos became the most bombed nation in history, largely due to the Raven FACs. Approximately the same tonnage of bombs were dropped on Laos as were dropped by the U.S. in the entirety of World War II.
Good Job!


I read a book about those guys many, many years ago and I remember a frustrated FAC calling in a nuclear strike on the bureaucrats in his headquarters, which the Air Force didn't think was very funny.
JW Scud
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Colonel wrote:
Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:29 pm
You've probably never heard of this guy, but:
Robin Olds states that following the shoot down of his fourth MiG, he intentionally avoided shooting down a fifth, even though he had at least ten opportunities to do so, because he had learned in the middle of June that Seventh Air Force, at the direction of Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown, would immediately relieve him of command to return to the United States as a publicity asset if he did.

He was awarded a fourth Silver Star for leading a three-aircraft low-level bombing strike on March 30, 1967, and the Air Force Cross for an attack on the Paul Doumer Bridge in Hanoi
https://www.warbirds-eaa.org/salute-to- ... obin-olds/

https://mcusercontent.com/992601499f039 ... olo.01.pdf
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What a guy! The real deal.

A great stick, and a better leader. Hen's teeth rare.

God, it would have been great to fly with him.
Salute To Veterans

Brig Gen Robin Olds

Few American airmen have had the kind of dazzling talent and charisma possessed by Robin Olds. His persona loomed equally large whether from the cockpit, the lectern, or in face-to-face encounters. Olds was big, tough, smart, and swaggering, not to mention brave and highly skilled. Even Hollywood would have had a hard time portraying the genuine article on the big screen. He was a truly dynamic force, one who had a positive impact on the Air Force for more than 60 years.

“His influence upon who we are as an Air Force today can hardly be overstated,” Gen. T. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff, remarked on the death of the retired brigadier general last June. Olds was “a staunch advocate for better fighters, better pilot training,” and the innovative tactics that the Air Force still uses today, Moseley said. Olds’ effect on USAF varied both in content and in timing.
Chuck Yeager and Bob Hoover were awesome sticks, but Robin Olds
and John Boyd probably had a greater impact on the USAF.
John Swallow
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And don't forget:

If you find yourself in a fair fight, you've done something wrong...

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I recently read « Fighter Pilot » by Robin Olds.
A great read! Incidentally while reading « Sherman Lead » flying the F4-D Phantom II in Vietnam by Gaillard R. Peck Jr, he recounts the lore that Colonel Olds handle bar moustache and reputation had on other squadrons during the Vietnam conflict...
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Here all I would do is just go back to January and bet the HELOC on Puts Options on the SPY hitting 250 with a March 30 Expiration
Then Roll all the profits into SPY 350 calls.

Purchase Airport and every toy I wanted and of course right next door is my private (invite only) 3000 meter rifle range.
Might have to get an Island, maybe Jeff Epstiens Island is on the market. I bet I could get it cheap then rename it.
5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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