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Flying Tips and Advice from The Colonel!
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What a wankerfest.

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Or, alternatively, the guy in the movie could have descended right away when he heard the initial call of the other traffic instead of timing how long the other radio calls took. But that would not have looked as dramatic in the youtube movie of course.
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Yeah, I heard that aircraft at different altitudes can't collide,
but maybe that's just FakeNews from YoungRepublicans?
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Got to ask this - Why is he always looking down at his crotch, I wonder if he was wearing pants :lol: I thought the traffic was outside -

Fuck me people get so stuck on thinking the radio is primary in VFR , when I flew VFR we picked a visual reference point and flew to it. I never gave a shit about flying a straight line. I guess we don't need maps anymore, let alone spacial orientation.

I love it when 2 aircraft 50 miles apart tie up a frequency trying to figure out if they are occupying the same airspace -- :mrgreen:

They should ban those fucking tablets unless they are "functionally" mounted
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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