Video: C206 just out for a rip

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5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
Chuck Ellsworth
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I have seen some stupid decisions made but that one is really stupid.
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Reminds me of this:

Neil Peart didn’t need you to be his friend
Slick Goodlin
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The weather reminds me of a time I watched an Airvan taxi out in YQT. The company that flew it wasn’t approved for IMC so surely it was out for a compass swing or something. Nope. He took off, climbed to about eighty feet (you know, to stay out of cloud), turned just shy of 180° and followed the road out of town. Disappeared completely from my sight at a little over half a mile from me. To each their own I guess but that flight would have been more excitement than I ever want.
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But they had synthetic vision :lol: - ironically the owner gave up on aircraft and bought buses, now he is complaining that the government won't give him money to stay in business. He is like a ghost -- :mrgreen:
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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