What’s Your Lottery Plane?

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Chuck Ellsworth
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I'll take this one.

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Sort of a P-38 with radials instead of the V-12's.

How incredibly cool!

I think it was at Geneseo, NY where I almost got run over by a Mosquito and a P-38 taxiing.

Never thought I'd see that. Mosquitos were all wood and milk glue. Never meant to last
75 years!
I ain't asking nobody for nothing, if I can't get it on my own.
David MacRay
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Right now? A newish C-182 with little to no glass in the panel. Then if I actually fly enough, I might decide to get something else.

Here's one if someone wants to surprise me.
https://www.controller.com/listings/air ... TRY=Canada
Slick Goodlin
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Colonel wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:44 pm If you live on the water, you'd have to get one of these:

I once tried explaining to my wife why we should buy a big flying boat instead of a house. After all, they cost about the same depending on the neighbourhood you want live in but she wanted to have a whole bunch of dogs that probably wouldn’t work living on a plane and I suppose a house doesn’t chug avgas like it’s a contest...
David MacRay
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That reminds me of a time I was on a project and a guy I had just been sent to assist with something might have mentioned getting lottery tickets, wishing he could win so he wouldn't have to be there. Kind of funny because it was one of those jobs that at the time was like winning a lottery. It was around 1998 and one of the first big union industrial projects leading into the new century economic boom in Alberta.

So I say, "Yeah, if you win you could get a helicopter." He chuckles and says, "Hellicopter? Why would I want one of those?" He was probably thinking if he won he could quit that job, maybe buy a new car, a house, get a bigger TV, some booze, a hooker and a pizza.

So while we proceed with installing something, I forget what. I explain fun things he could do with a Hellicopter. After a few hours he says, "I never thought about it, but now I think I should get a Hellicopter. How much do they cost." I give him the good news. While they are not inexpensive you could probably afford one working here. He was excited and figured maybe he would do it.

Then I finished the day explaining how rediculasly expensive maintenance costs were.

Poor guy, I probably ruined his life.
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There was a converted Albatross in Yellowknife at a fly in. The guy had outfitted it like an RV and actually stayed in the aircraft at anchor in the back bay. It was truly a wonder way to see the country. Throw in a collapsible motorcycle and inflatable tender and what more would one need. What a line for chuck when out trolling "I live in an airplane, I'll show you my cockpit" :mrgreen:
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
Slick Goodlin
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Liquid_Charlie wrote: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:24 pm There was a converted Albatross in Yellowknife at a fly in. The guy had outfitted it like an RV and actually stayed in the aircraft at anchor in the back bay. It was truly a wonder way to see the country. Throw in a collapsible motorcycle and inflatable tender and what more would one need.
I don’t want to live that way forever, but it would be a blast to do for a year or two.
Chuck Ellsworth
Posts: 334
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What a line for chuck when out trolling "I live in an airplane, I'll show you my cockpit" :mrgreen:
I would offer a better deal than that.

I would say, you show me your pit and I'll give you my cock. :D .
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