ATC versus Pilot

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Fun starts 035

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He does lack virtue, doesn't he?

I can't help but wonder if there's more to this story ... has ATC
here jerked him around before? Why was he denied entry? Is
ATC overloaded? Doesn't seem that way.

Personally I would have just climbed to 10,500 and turned the
comm off ...
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Yes ,who knows ,doesn't seem to be enough traffic to overload the facility
Will this incident generate a lot of paper?Probably not,so will never know the rest of the story
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I’m guessing this guy was simply just a dick. The plane is registered to “wife approved llc.”

After some digging, the registered owner owns an apartment building in Minnesota, to which he is kicking out the entire residents for a renovation, giving some of them less than 30 days notice.

Something tells me this guys doesn’t take to not getting his way very well.
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David MacRay
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I know the video is cut so it doesn't bore us but, I wonder how much of the conversation is missing? I would like to hear The raw feed.

Pretty funny when someone calls him names on air.

The mob in the comment section seems ready to find a sturdy tree.

The way the video is cut makes the controller look bad. Gold strike 55 didn't get cleared either, yet she is happy to let them go frolicking through her Bravo airspace.
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The version I heard has his initial contact at the end of it.
This channel routinely cuts out dead space or non-applicable portions. Plus I think the person doesn’t speak English natively, since there is a lot of misquoted captions. Irregardlesslyness, I find this old man to be the stereotypical old man at the airport who did well for himself outside of aviation, but doesn’t realize his limits, because he has a fancy P210.
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Call me cynical, but I am suspicious of false narratives.

Day after day, we see manipulated news to make us angry and hate,
which turns out to be completely false. No apology is ever given.

I have to wonder what the bigger story is here. Why was ATC overloaded
with two aircraft in her sector? Why was this guy denied clearance into
the class B? Has ATC jerked him around before?

Before the Reddit FAA starts waving pitchforks and torches, maybe it would
be nice to see the whole story.

I remember one day, leading around a formation of two L39's, we got some
pretty strange treatment from Ottawa Terminal. I didn't think anything of
it - Canadian ATC is not exactly the sharpest, despite their grandiose opinion
of themselves. One day, they gave me a 110 degree intercept to the ILS
at North Bay. Smooth.

I was incredibly surprised when a different voice (supervisor?) came on the
freq and asked me if I would like to register a complaint about my previous

Shocked, I said no.

You have to realize that as soon as you get ten guys in any group - be it pilots,
ATC or tree-trimmers - there is going to be that "one guy" that makes everyone
else wince.

Shit, they made a movie about it. Remember Farva on Super Troopers? I
can't help but wonder if this guy got repeatedly shafted in the past by Vegas
ATC's equivalent of Farva and this dude was spring-loaded and lock-wired to
the pissed-off position.

Before you grab the pitchforks, how about you review the "Covington Kids",
or ten other instances that I can name, of where the media tried to create
a hate crime where there was none, in order to enrage you.

Context matters, even if the Left tells you to not look there.
Slick Goodlin
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Nark wrote:
Sat Jun 27, 2020 2:42 pm
because he has a fancy P210.
It’s always a friggin P210, isn’t it? I used to have members of that crowd approach me somewhat regularly to ask about operating MU-2s. Hell of a step to take, airplane-wise, but they were all convinced it was the right thing to do. Far as I know none ever pulled the trigger on getting a rice rocket, thankfully.
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I'm pretty sure you need a high performance type rating to act as PIC of
an MU-2 in Canada.

Is there someone handing them out to people that shouldn't have them?

In the USA, after the SFAR was published, the stupid accidents disappeared
because people were getting decent training, which admittedly is not a
21st Century pilot's first choice.

If someone wants to let me know the name & address of someone handing
out MU-2 type ratings, let me know! Like baseball cards, I want the whole
collection :^)
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Everybody fucked up a little bit in this one. Centurion guy should have known that unless he hears the phrase “Cleared into” he should stay out of it. The controller could have avoided the whole mess by simply telling him to remain clear when he checked in initially. Either way, arguing over the air just isn’t professional. If you want to give someone a blast of shit do it over the phone on the ground.
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