Historic Aircraft Registry of Canada

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Posts: 98
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:35 pm

Hello Everybody
Way back in the early seventies , a list of Historical Aircraft Registered in Canada was compiled and a small book was published
This list gave a very good glimpse of how many antique and classic aircraft existed in Canada at that time and their status
This morning I created a Facebook page in an attempt to once again have a data base of historic aircraft currently residing in Canada.
Owners are encouraged to register their pre 1955 antique/vintage aircraft and submit a current picture of their aircraft along with a brief status of the aircraft.
We also welcome the owners of replica pre 1955 vintage/antique aircraft to also join and do the same.
If anyone here on Sudrunners has a vintage or replica vintage aircraft, we would love for you to list it on the page

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Historic ... 0382417116


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