wonder what this guys new call sign will be?

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JW Scud
Posts: 252
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:44 am

Come on guys, our very own Snowbirds have been doing similar for years. I challenge everyone out there to reply as to what Canada's finest are drawing in this picture:

[img width=500 height=281]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lvr3L1Tfyfk/maxresdefault.jpg[/img]

I can think of several things depending on what one's viewpoint is.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

A heart [i]actually[/i] looks more like this:

[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d0/ea/23/d0ea ... -heart.jpg[/img]

I always thought the heart [i]symbol[/i] looked
more like a spectacular rear end, but I am
not a good person.
Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

I looked carefully at the pucture.  And while it does bare a strinking resemblence  to the Canadian prime minister, it is absolutely clear to me that any image was co incidentally created unintentionally as a result of legitimate operational flying. 

anybody that reads more into it than that needs to examine their own unclean thoughts.

What we have to do is get rid of all these politicians, military leaders, and elite who are trying so hard to force political correctness on us.  The military needs warriors, not wimps

Trey Kule
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Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Allow me to share this....

In a distant past , when Canada was still a great nation, a squadron of pilots were taking gunnery practice.  It was a very windy day.  No one was hitting the bouncing moving target.
Then one pilot put his TBM well below the trees and turbulence.  Held the target in Position until he was so close he could not miss....and totally destroyed it....on the pull up however things did not go as planned and a tree jumped in the way of the plane, which resulted in some serious damage. (For those familiar with the Avenger, you can imagine the size of tree it takes to smash through the engine).
A summary investigation was initiated.  Our pilot was dragged before a hearing...and completely exonerated....seems that as he was the only one to have the balls to go low enough to hit the target,  and successfully hit the target, that was more important to the leadership than a damaged plane...He went on to a distinguished career until the navy started wearing green uniforms and berets.

How things have changed.  Now we want military pilots who have zero initiative.

Cultural sensitivity , safety, gender and race enlistment quotas are the name of the game today.  And the US military leadership can not understand why there is a pilot shortage in the military.

It is good that Canada’s military is so well led.

My rant for the day...


What does a standard RNAV approach with holdings on the initial T fixes look like?

John Swallow
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Trey Kule:  you got a date and a name to go with that story?  Something’s a little hinkey…

If the Avenger was doing air-to-ground gunnery, why was the target “bouncing and moving”?

Anyone who’s ever done air-to-ground knows you’re at a serious disadvantage trying to hit a single target in a level pass.  Ten degrees would be more appropriate.

If the mission was skip bombing, the a level attack at 200 feet would probably “de rigeur”; however, going below tree-top level would screw up the pre-set sight solution…

I went through a site that catalogues TBM prangs and the only one that came close was this one:  but he suffered engine failure…


Something ain't right...

JW Scud
Posts: 252
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:44 am

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=7496.msg20641#msg20641 date=1510992351]
A heart [i]actually[/i] looks more like this:

I always thought the heart [i]symbol[/i] looked more like a spectacular rear end, but I am not a good person. [/quote]

A spectacular set of cheeks? Maybe, but(no pun intended) I'd say a spectacular set of something else. And I will admit, the engineers who design those have my highest respect.
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