Well he has built 13 more "Airplanes" than I have

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Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm


Might I suggest a rudder of some sort and perhaps more than 1 cylinder.


David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

I was slightly purturbed when the lady described his jump off the ramp as "airborne."

I'm pretty sure  not flying is making his crashes less harmful. I hope he figures it out but also that he does not get hurt. The yellow one is looking close to something that might fly.

He has come a long way. Did you see the very first one? It looked like it might have weighed a few tons.
David MacRay
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Ok I stumbled on a video and I think this was his first plane. Featuring a scene with a guy, electric arc welding a price of angle iron on it with [b]no eye protection.[/b]
I mean he's not even looking away or using sunglasses!!  :o

There is some other people on this who built "Flying" Machines, including a helecopter that appears to hover inside a building. Since the top is not shown it might be on a cable or something.

Edit: oops, I watched again. You can see above it and he is making little hops unaided.

Don't get me wrong I think these folks are doing some ok research. Good on them.
Slick Goodlin
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He should be aiming higher... like space!
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

The Thai space program has advanced significantly since I witness their last launch from between a lady's legs!
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