Why Chuck Laughs At Class One Instructors

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]I wouldn't fault an instructor for wanting to get comfortable flying and aircraft type before he teaches on it.[/quote]

Depends how far outside the box it is.

For a 1000TT Cessna instructor, I wouldn't think
that any dual would be required for say a Cherokee -
just jump in the right seat and make it up as you
go along.  As long as you understand the fuel system,
the control loop should not pose a challenge.

Reminds me of flying the t-bone for the first
time.  Giving dual. Frantically flipping through
the flight manual taxiing out, trying to figure out
some power settings for the GO-480's.  Had those
weird antique Beechcraft piano keys.

[img width=500 height=375][/img]

Hey Rookie, I get it.  You're a weak pilot.  What
I do, frightens you - and it should.  If you tried
to do what I do, [b]you would be dead[/b].

However, I have been doing what I have been
doing for over 40 years, and I'm still alive.  How
I fly, works just fine for me.

I know you're not very bright, but consider the
convergence of the central limit theorem for a
moment, and how it might apply here.

I know you think I'm a [b]BAD PERSON[/b] because
I'm a better pilot than you, but try to sit on
your jealousy.  It looks really bad on you.

Rookie Pilot
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Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

I am cautious pilot, and proud if it. Not a fearful pilot.  Big difference. 

I've flown all over North America in all kinds of weather, IFR and VFR, controlled and uncontrolled.  Never once though to I refer to myself as experienced.

I do have friends, and mentors, far more experienced than me, or you, or anyone I read here except Chuck. And they are all cautious, and have counseled me to always be cautious.

Your ego and bravado towards flying, and disdain for safe procedures, will either wind up with you dead or (more likely) some young pilot you influence to fly beyond his ability, training and experience. You think you're above a Dick Collins, a Captain Sully. Totally bizarre.

Since I'm not one of your teen girl Justin Beiber type fans,yeah I'll comment on anyone telling young pilots to fly with their dick, not their brains. Grow up dude. Think about the message you're sending to others.

I call it the way I see it, and you dislike this. Tough shit. I don't bow down to anyone, anytime.

I don't give a shit either what is written on your licence either, princess. 

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Rookie.  Take a deep breath, step back and try to calm down.

A little perspective:  as a PPL with a handful of hours and
types and years flying, you state that an ATPL/SAC with
class 1 instructor and aerobatic instructor ratings and a
perfect safety record over 40+ years, third generation
pilot, 100 years of aviation in the family, [b]doesn't know
as much about aviation as you do[/b].

Can you see what a joke you are?

I'm sorry that I make you feel bad about yourself and
your lack of accomplishments in your life, but that
doesn't mean I'm going to change to suit your lowest
common denominator.
Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=6304.msg16727#msg16727 date=1495390984]
Rookie.  Take a deep breath, step back and try to calm down.

A little perspective:  as a PPL with a handful of hours and
types and years flying, you state that an ATPL/SAC with
class 1 instructor and aerobatic instructor ratings and a
perfect safety record over 40+ years, doesn't know as much
about aviation as you do.

Can you see what a joke you are?

I'm sorry that I make you feel bad about yourself and
your lack of accomplishments in your life, but that
doesn't mean I'm going to change to suit your lowest
common denominator.

Where did the ATPL come from?  A crackerjack box? 

After your rants at flight training and TC, now  you're waving a Rating at us?

Like a rating means one thing about being a good pilot.

Oh, now you know my ratings, too?  wrong again.....

Try leaving the circuit. At least Chuck has, which is why I respect him.  Heck, I wouldn't be shocked if even low experienced I, have more flight time outside  of Ontario than you do.

I'm curious about something.  All this family history, why didn't you serve in the forces?

Too scared or failed the psych eval? Which is it?

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Your jealousy is not attractive.

Why do we all have to be as bad at flying as you?
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