Why Chuck Laughs At Class One Instructors

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This seems to mystify people, so I'll have a go.

Chuck is perpetually amazed - and people might
be a wee bit tired of hearing - that he just can't
believe that a class 1 instructor can't fly a light
tailwheel trainer. 

A little perspective.  Taildraggers, despite the
nonsense you might have heard, are not [i]fire
breathing dragons[/i].  Student pilots fly them.

In fact, they are certified aircraft.  You might not
be aware, but it's a giant pain in the ass to
certify an aircraft with TC.  You have to prove
that any moron PPL isn't going to hurt himself
in it.  It's gotta be docile as fuck.

Chuck finds it incredible that today's class 1
instructor don't have the stick and rudder skills
of a borderline PPL.  This blows his fucking
mind, in fact.

Today's class 1 instructors want a full type
rating course - weeks of ground and flight
training - to fly a certified aircraft.

This makes me laugh so hard I pee my pants,
and people don't like me because I am a
[b]BAD PERSON[/b].  Got that.

But does a class 1 flight instructor really
need a full type conversion course to safely
fly a light taildragger?

CAR 405.22:

[quote]Aircraft Familiarization

405.22 No person shall conduct flight training in an aircraft unless the person is familiar with the flight characteristics, operating limitations and operational performance data specified in the aircraft flight manual or equivalent document.[/quote]

TC says that to give dual on a type, the flight
instructor must review the POH, and off he goes.

Needless to say, today's class 1 flight instructors
fall a long way short of that mark.

And they are the "Best of the Best".

What they are, are paper-pushing penguins.  You
may recall that penguins can't fly.  And, this is
Transport's great achievement in flight training
standards, after fiercely gate-keeping flight
instructor qualification for many decades:

Instructors that don't have a clue how to use
the rudder pedals.


Chuck Ellsworth

Thanks Colonel you have explained the pain I feel for an industry that once was something to be proud of.

Flight training in The Peoples Socialist Republic of Canada is as fucked up and broken as the health care industry.

Health care in Canada is worst than third world standards.
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Don't get me started.  Health care in Canada is shit.
Chuck Ellsworth

Health care in Canada is non existent.

If you have a serious illness by the time you get their so called care it is to late.

The astounding thing is if you can afford to pay for treatment when you need it you can not get it because there idiots in Government are socialists and everyone is equal...except them .

If I ever get sick and need treatment I will go to the USA where they have a working healt care system.
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It is jaw-dropping the number of Canadians that
think oil-rich socialist Venezula is what Canada
should become:

[url=http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/05/ ... alism.html]http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/05/ ... alism.html[/url]

[quote]Here’s the legacy of Venezuela’s experiment with socialism:

Daily riots and protests that have resulted in at least 40 deaths in recent weeks at the hands of government security forces.

Inflation estimated at 720 percent.

Shortages of basic foods and medicines.

An average weight loss among Venezuelans of 19 pounds, which had nothing to do with the South Beach diet.

Newborn babies deposited in dresser drawers because hospitals have no beds.

Zoo animals hunted down and butchered for food by the ravenous population.

Finally, this week, and only at the urging of the United States, the United Nations is considering the desperate situation in [b]what was once South America’s most prosperous country, before socialism sank its fangs in, sucking the economy dry[/b].[/quote]

I won't mention communist Russia, East Germany, North Korea or Cuba.
More socialist experiments.

And people want more of that.

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PS  In case you think this discussion has veered off-topic,
it really hasn't.  It's about really bad government.
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[quote]the administration barred opposition leader Henrique Capriles from running for any political office for 15 years.

The Supreme Court dissolved parliament, transferring legislative powers to itself.

That left the two remaining branches of government controlled by Maduro's ruling United Socialist Party.

The opposition said it was a coup. [/quote]

Not good government.  And when you are unhappy
with bad government, does that make you a [b]BAD PERSON[/b]?

Pure socialism doesn't work, hands down.  Neither does pure capitalism.  Most workable societies fall somewhere in between.  Societies that get to close to the extremes falter.

Flying a conventional landing gear aircraft is not hard, but it is different.  Most pilots can pick it up in ~5 hrs of dual.  I wouldn't fault an instructor for wanting to get comfortable flying and aircraft type before he teaches on it.
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[url=http://airfactsjournal.com/2017/05/devi ... y-details/]http://airfactsjournal.com/2017/05/devi ... y-details/[/url]

Careful pilots use checklists. By Dick Collins. Read to see why. 

Idiots here disdain all checklists, and disdain knowing an aircraft thoroughly, like the fuel system,  before jumping in and flying.

They also mock Dick Collins, whose only been flying light airplanes for, oh 50 years. He's an icon and required reading.

Him I would send my family up.  Not the idiots whose balls are bigger than brains. 

Don't listen to the idiots. They will get you killled.
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