I’ve Never Done VFR OTT

Flight Training and topics related to getting your licence or ratings.
Posts: 487
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:21 pm
Location: Group W Bench

The training and rating looks to me that in the long run if you chose to opt out how could anyone know if you were not rated.
That can be said of any license or rating. If you file a flight plan, its not like navcanada checks a database of license numbers. Nor do they have a database of aircraft equipment. Assuming you even file a plan. Hell most flying qualification/licensing issues are only enforceable if you get caught red-handed, and even then you practically have to incriminate yourself.

That doesn't mean I advocate doing those things without the appropriate paper and training. I just know it happens, and the people involved avoid enforcement. TBH, the regulator only cares if someone gets hurt. Keep yourself out of trouble.

The details of my life are quite inconsequential...
Chuck Ellsworth
Posts: 334
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:25 pm

To me if I was in a cub or similar aircraft I would want to be in gliding distance of clear skies, just like flying over open water on wheels in these types, but that's me. :mrgreen:
Same here..
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 991
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:24 am

Liquid_Charlie wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:21 pm I was in a cub or similar aircraft I would want to be in gliding distance of clear skies
Yeah that seems reasonable. Since my whole reason for asking actually was about a Cub I may as well do exactly that. Looks to me like exercising the privilege is going to be more for flying over seven oktas and not eight and an awfully high cloud base so that there will always be a visual escape down through the layer.

As I had alluded to in an earlier reply, I was curious about VFR OTT as something I could use I feel I ever needed it in order to get above turbulence or rain, or shave some miles off a long cross country in a lesser-equipped airplane.
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